Bien qu'elle commence à prendre de l'âge, la scène PlayStation 4 est toujours très active, voilà qu'elle nous le prouve avec l'arrivée d'une nouvelle version de la Toolchain d'OpenOrbis qui passe en 0.5.3.
Pour ceux qui ne connaitraient pas l'OpenOrbis-PS4-Toolchain est un ensemble d'outils qui permet aux développeurs de construire des fichiers ELFs sans avoir à utiliser le SDK officiel de Sony, ainsi seuls des outils libres de droit sont nécessaires pour réaliser un homebrew. La façon de les lancer reste la même à savoir passer par l'exploit kernel.
Les contributeurs ont été très nombreux à proposer des évolutions, de Bucanero, à Al-Azif, de Cpasjuste à Sleirsgoevy, d'illusion0001 à xXxTheDarkprogramerxXx, et encore de nombreux autres développeurs, ils sont venus apporter de nombreuses améliorations, corriger des bugs de compilation, ajouter de nouvelles définitions pour la gestion des trophées et des applications, améliorer la prise en charge des extensions de contrôleurs et des fonctions réseau. En outre, la gestion des fichiers ELF a été améliorée, et la compatiblité LLVM 14+ a été intégrée.
Le changelog important se trouve ici : OpenOrbis-PS4-Toolchain
What's Changed
- Fix OrbisSaveDataParam definition by @bucanero in #174
- Fix SaveData.h compiling error in #173
- Update SystemService.h to include dependency by @Al-Azif in #175
- Piglet sample: censor out sceKernelDlsym by @sleirsgoevy in #182
- libkernel.h: add scePthreadSelf definition by @Cpasjuste in #184
- Add RegMgr methods by @bucanero in #179
- .NET Core 3.0 Runtime is required to run LibOrbisPkg by @illusion0001 in #176
- Update libkernel.h by @Backporter in #186
- Readd keyboard sample (fixed a typo) by @Klairm in #183
- Remove specific versioning from Dockerfile by @Al-Azif in #194
- Fix #178 by @Al-Azif in #193
- Add Trophy Support and add a sample for the trophy system by @Backporter in #188
- Add HTTP sample by @bucanero in #196
- Add a MsgDialog sample by @bucanero in #197
- Update Rtc.h by @Backporter in #202
- Add sceNetResolver...() methods by @bucanero in #207
- fix firmware structure, fix sceKernelFstat's args, sceRtcCurrentClockLocalTime's args, add error dialog - structures and function definitions, add Np defs. by @Backporter in #203
- For convenience, add 2 XML tags to MyTemplate.vstemplate by @SummerFalls in #204
- Update fliprate and Screenshot Overlay Stub by @illusion0001 in #212
- CI: fix build by @illusion0001 in #217
- Add user service methods by @bucanero in #215
- Update bash script to exclude non make folders by @illusion0001 in #222
- dialogs: use show_dialog for condition example by @illusion0001 in #221
- Force sce sections to appear in the elf. by @nkrapivin in #211
- Move fliprate to enum by @illusion0001 in #216
- Update ScreenShot defs by @illusion0001 in #214
- Add appinfo data type and functions. by @OSM-Made in #220
- Defined some networking functions. by @OSM-Made in #219
- Fix net http build by @illusion0001 in #224
- Update readme badges by @illusion0001 in #225
- CI: Download latest releases from URLs by @illusion0001 in #227
- add definitions by @bucanero in #230
- Fix C definitions by @bucanero in #231
- Add sceUsbd definitions by @InvoxiPlayGames in #229
- Update save_data.h by @illusion0001 in #234
- Fix #endif order by @illusion0001 in #233
- Add some definitions for GnmDriver and VideoOut by @pipehuffer in #235
- Add extension controller support to Pad.h header. by @InvoxiPlayGames in #228
- kernel: replace BSD types with stdint's in kevent's flags by @pipehuffer in #236
- Update scePadReadExt+scePadReadStateExt by @illusion0001 in #246
- Rename int to int32_t and unsigned int to uint32_t by @illusion0001 in #248
- Update .gitignore by @illusion0001 in #244
- Fix build for llvm 14+ by @illusion0001 in #242
- Fix undefined symbols by @illusion0001 in #245
- Change sys/time.h to time.h in save_data.h in #238
- Added Save Data Missing Info by @xXxTheDarkprogramerxXx in #187
- App launching definitions (from @LightningMods) by @illusion0001 in #232
- Convert macro definitions into enums by @illusion0001 in #243
- Fix map protection types by @illusion0001 in #247
- Update libmonovm.h by @kiwidoggie in #251
- GnmDriver: Add definitions for SetEmbeddedShader and DrawIndexAuto by @pipehuffer in #240
- Update CommonDialog.h by @illusion0001 in #252
- Update CRT version to 1.00 to allow building on older firmwares. by @kiwidoggie in #253
- build library stub from separate file by @0xcaff in #258
- Update action versions and rebuild every month by @illusion0001 in #263
Téléchargement : OpenOrbis PS4 Toolchain v0.5.3