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Accédez aux coordonnées de l’ensemble des techniciens professionnels recommandés par logic-sunrise 20 derniers dossiers et tutoriaux
22 octobre 2007
Plate-forme :
Xbox 360 / One
        __ __|                         |      _ \                               
           |  _ \   __|  __| _ \ __ \  __|   |   | _ \\ \  /\ \  / _ \   __| __|
           | (   | |    |    __/ |   | |     __ < (   |`  <  `  < (   | |  \__ \
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                _|    _|  \___|____/\___|_|  _|\__|
               /                                                                        \
              / - PES.2008.PAL.PROPER.XBOX360-TORRENTROXXORS                             \
              |    - No this aint P2P source dumb motherfuckers,you might think so that it  |
              |    would be these days with the ubberly lame scene.Here is a proper release |
              |    of PES08!                                                          ______|
              |    - Here is a note for everyone, fuck you and die.                   /
              |    - Think that's all for today!                                     /
              |                                     /
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Created by: M F U
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|.:.MisterX & MisterY.:.:..  \/ // | ||/| ||::.::.:::.Site Scripts V2.0:|