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Title: Tony_Hawks_Proving_Ground_PAL_XBOX360-MOMENT
Date: 29/10/07
System: XBOX 360
Region: PAL
Size: 68x100mb
Info: In the largest and deepest Tony Hawk game yet,
gamers are now in total control of their skating destiny in Tony Hawks
Proving Ground. Set in the streets of Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washington,
D.C., the title empowers players with the freedom to define their character,
story and style based on the choices they make, the paths they select and the style
of skating they want. The game delivers deeper customization than ever before,
including a full-featured video editor to create epic skate videos and a completely
customizable online Skate Lounge, where players can skate with friends in the ultimate pad.
Gamers also have the freedom to skate from single player to online seamlessly.
Tony Hawks Proving Ground also features an arsenal of amazingly detailed Nail the Trick moves,
and new gameplay mechanics like skateable terrain building and Bowl Carving to deliver the
most personalized and immersive skating experience ever.