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Accédez aux coordonnées de l’ensemble des techniciens professionnels recommandés par logic-sunrise 20 derniers dossiers et tutoriaux
16 octobre 2009
Plate-forme :
3DS / DS
                                           \  .             
                |///zNr                      \|/     dS!\\\|
                |/ ._____ /\__ ._____ /\__<---x---- ->/\__\|
___/____________|  |   .|/ \\| |   .|/ \\|   /|\     / \\| |_____________\___
|//                |/  ||   \\ |   ||   \\  /.__\__ /   \\                \\|
|/                 /         | |/  ___   | . |   .|/     |                \\|
|/               _/      //  |_/  __>>\__|_  |_  //     _|                  |
|                |   \\__/  _|\          //   /        \\|                  |
|                |_____\/    //\____    //| _/   -      \\                  |
|               =|=====/_____/====/_______|=|_____________\=                |
|               .~~~~~/~~~~~~~~~~/~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\                |
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|               <--------  m  e  d  w  a  r  e  s  -------->                |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|     Release Title.: Scribblenauts +3 Trainer (c) 5th Cell                 |
|                                                                           |
|     Region........: USA                  Trained by....: me?              |
|     System........: Nintendo DS          Filename......:     |
|     Size..........: SMALL (BDF)          Date..........: 07-10-2009       |
\\                                                                         //
|\\                                                                       //|
|     Release Notes                                                         |
|     -------------                                                         |
|                                                                           |
|     I was drunk and trained this bitch, enjoy...                          |
|     Sorry for the horrible ASM code, expect some muzak in next rls ;)     |
|                                                                           |
|     Trainer Options                                                       |
|     ---------------                                                       |
|                                                                           |
|     * Unlimited cash                                                      |
|     * Stop budget meter                                                   |
|     * No objects used                                                     |
|       (you might notice screen being slow at updating cash+objects used   |
|        but it will still be updated in memory.)                           |
|                                                                           |
|     Apply this trainer to the following release by using bspatch.exe      |
|     (or run the included batch file if youre a lazy fuck)                 |
|     Scribblenauts_USA_NDS-2CH from 11-09-2009                             |
|                                                                           |
|     Tested on M3i Zero,M3 Simply, SuperCard DSONE.                        |
|     If it doesnt work, ask your mom to buy you a better flashcart.        |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|     Greetings & Respect                                                   |
|     -------------------                                                   |
|                                                                           |
|     All of the few console groups left still showing the true scenespirit |
|                                                                           |
|\                                                                         /|
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|\\              MEDWARES 2009 - Training like there's a marathon.        //|