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_ _________ ___________________ ////_ / ___________ \ _____ / / / _________ / _ /___ \ /_____\ / /____\ \ / ____ \ \ __________ / / \ / \ /_________\ \ / \___. /_______ _______/ \ / \ / ____ | /__________\ sQz!/ \ / ___________\ ______________ | SAC/ \ / | __ __ _ ________ _ /__________________ __ _ _ ___/\/\______ / | \ / | COOL GAME (C) COOLGAMES, INC. 12.FEB.2009 \/ | __ __ _ _______________ _ ___ __ _ ___ __/\/\______________\ well without the last rars this game wouldnt be a lot of fun... small note to all the dumbasses out there that didnt even dare to read the last nfo: "Experience the world together. For the first time in the Fable series, gamers can experience the expansive and immersive world of Fable II with friends, utilising the new and exciting Dynamic Co-Op Mode, bringing the long-awaited multiplayer function to the world of Fable II." additionally THIS one has all the downloadable content included on the disc which wasnt released on scene yet and would cost your last few bugs to play compared to the other GOTY release this week this means: - new unreleased content which you cant get for free ON THE DISC - finally a multiplayer mode (goddamn this game pwns who doesnt want a multiplayer for it?) its rf and .uk we dont give a fuck why because We Are Release Gods