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Autre information : Fishing Master DS est un jeu de pêche sur Nintendo DS qui utilise le stylet à chaque occasion ! Lancez votre ligne, remontez-la et appâtez les poissons en faisant remuer votre hameçon... Le tout grâce à l'écran tactile de la console.
_____________________________________________________________ | | | Download@2ch Presents ╖└ä¬ä¬ä¬ä¬ä¬ä¬(▀ü═▀)ä¬ä¬ä¬ä¬ä¬ä¬!!!!! | |_____________________________________________________________| | | | Title: Mezase Tsuri Master DS | | | | Release date: 2009/05/18 Category: Fishing | | Retail date: 2009/04/23 Supplier: Team 2CH | | Origin: Japan Platform: NDS | | Language: Japanese Filename: 2ch-dmtdk.*** | | | | URL: | |_____________________________________________________________| | [Release Description] | | | | I'm the Tsuri Master of 2ch. | |_____________________________________________________________| | [Group Info] | | | | Team 2ch currently wants : | | | | - Who can supply unreleased GBA/NDS/PSP/PS2/PS3/X360/WII | | games and have a fast line | | - Nice 100mb+ KR/EU/US sites for affil | | | | Contact us if you think you can help us. | | We need your help! | |_____________________________________________________________| | [Respects] | | | | All groups releasing Japanese games. | |_____________________________________________________________| | newcomer group: Download@2ch | |_____________________________________________________________|