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............. Game: Fable II
............. Release: 23-10-08
............. Plataforma: XBOX360
............. Files: 68x100 slv-fable2 6.25GB
............. Format: ISO 7.29GB
............. Fuente: PAL Retail
............. Tipo: Action RPG
............. Por: Lionhead Studios / Microsoft
............. Ripeado por: SLV
............. link:
............. Idiomas: SPANISH *** REGION FREE **
1- la rls de unit no es completamente stealh!..
crc32 video layer image is not stealth,game data corruption (jpg para mas info adjunto)
2- demasiados problemas para completarla en algunos sites..error crc
3- ..
Set 500 years after the original game, Fable 2 offers even more choices and features, while
building on the core gameplay theme of Fable where every choice continually defines who you become,
allowing you to truly live the life you choose. Fable II expands upon the scope and depth
of the original by adding incredible new features and creating a wider, more complex kingdom
of limitless choices and consequences. Players will have the option to play as a man or woman,
get married, have children, and live a life of their own design -- all leading to different
¬ ¬
¬ Greetings ¬
¬ ¬
¬ SVD ¬
¬ ¬
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