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............. Game: Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
............. Release: 9-9-08
............. Plataforma: XBOX360
............. Files: 70x100 slv-merce2 6.50GB
............. Format: ISO 7.29GB
............. Fuente: PAL Retail
............. Tipo: Third-Person Shooter
............. Por: Developed by: Pandemic Studios / Published by: Electronic Arts
............. Ripeado por: SLV
............. link:
............. Idiomas: SPANISH RUSSIAN ENGLISH
******** Allstars ENG GER - CUT version GER?
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames is an explosive open-world action game set in a massive,
highly reactive, war-torn world. A power-hungry tyrant messes with Venezuela's oil supply,
sparking an invasion that turns the country into a warzone. But for you, international crisis
is all upside: You are a mercenary, and you profit from chaos. These are world powers with
deep pockets, deep grudges, and enough arms and ammo to start World War III. This is your
kind of environment.
Mercenaries 2 features the latest and most dangerous in civilian and military tech,
everything from shiny new sports cars, to the future-tech satellite-guided bunker-busting
mini-nuke. Tanks, APCs, boats, luxury automobiles -- you name it, you can have it delivered
to you in real time. And if you run out of cash you can always 'acquire' the gear you need
in the field. You are not a soldier. You don't have to play by anyone's rules. You have your
own code: you will fulfill the terms of the contract, no matter what.
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