24 juin 2008
Nom :
Autre information :
Plate-forme :
Wii U / Wii
║││ ││║
║││ Alone.In.The.Dark.USA-WII ││║
║││ ││║
││░░▒▒▓▓███████▓▓▒▒░░ ░░▒▒▓▓███████▓▓▒▒░░││
││ ││
││ Publisher: Atari ││
││ Developer: Atari ││
││ Platform: Wii ││
││ Category: Action,Horror ││
││ Descriptors: ││
││ Number of rars: 93 ││
││ Filename: xxx-aitd.r* ││
││ Languages: ENG ││
││ ││
││░░▒▒▓▓███████▓▓▒▒░░ ░░▒▒▓▓███████▓▓▒▒░░││
││ With inspiration from the presentation style of popular ││
││ action TV dramas, Alone in the Dark will be split into ││
││ a number of distinct episodes. With approximately ││
││ 30-40 minutes of gameplay comprising each episode, the ││
││ structure of Alone in the Dark pulls you into world ││
││ that delivers a fiercely gripping and terrifying ││
││ experience. Each time the player launches a saved game, ││
││ the episode will begin with a video summary of the ││
││ previous episode to quickly re-immerse the player in ││
││ the story and removing the need to remember where they ││
││ were or what they were doing. Every episode will close ││
││ with a nail-biting cliff-hanger ending to rattle ││
││ players' nerves, and if the player is leaving the game ││
││ a video teaser of the next episode will play to leave ││
││ them wanting more. ││
││ ││
││ Alone in the Dark will provide a complete ││
││ next-generation, action packed experience within a ││
││ highly detailed, free roaming environment, featuring ││
││ a mixture of real-time physics and full environmental ││
││ interaction. The game will mark a new beginning for ││
││ the Alone in the Dark series. ││
││ ││
││ * Action oriented gameplay that features intense ││
││ "edge of your seat" thrills and twists ││
││ * Immersive free-roaming, interactive environments ││
││ intricately based on NYCÆs Central Park ││
││ * Episodic Structure: 30 to 40 minute episodes grip ││
││ you in a constant, high level of intensity ││
││ * Story written by Lorenzo Carcaterra (NY Times Best- ││
││ selling author of "Sleepers" and "Apaches") ││
││ * Wide range weapons to destroy both enemy agents and ││
││ eventually the source of the evil itself ││
││ * Vehicles not only offer a means of transportation, ││
││ but become actual game mechanics which are part of ││
││ puzzles and solutions to in game challenges ││
││ * Edens new TWILIGHT engine creates a lavishly ││
││ detailed game world with highly realistic effects ││
││ such as moisture, reflections and advanced ││
││ cinematography ││
││░░▒▒▓▓▓▓▒▒░░We will cut your head off and shit down your neck░░▒▒▓▓▓▓▒▒░░││