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Accédez aux coordonnées de l’ensemble des techniciens professionnels recommandés par logic-sunrise 20 derniers dossiers et tutoriaux
10 février 2007
Plate-forme :
Xbox 360 / One
1. run Schtrom360XtractV3.1.exe
2. go to tools > image inject\extract
3. browse for image, in filename type *.* and load rant-crackdown.iso
4. choose to inject video.iso and browse for video360.iso from this patch and hit start
5. choose to inject pfi.bin and brows for pfi.bin from this patch and hit start
6. choose to inject dmi.bin and brows for dmi.bin from this patch and hit start
7. you can check to make sure it worked by loading the rant-crackdown.iso in acidflash image stealth    check
8. have fun