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29 avril 2012
Plate-forme :
PS Vita / Psp
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 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                      Corpse Party (c) Xseed Games                      ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::      Region.........: Europe           Languages.....: English         ::.
 .::      Platform.......: PSP              Format........: .ISO            ::.
 .::      Filename.......: pa-party.        Size..........: 27 x 20 mb      ::.
 .::      Disc Serial....: NPEH-00130       CRC32.........: A3BBFF66        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::        Thanks to Max for providing us with such a nice supply!         ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::        A gory, disturbing and uncomfortably exhilarating tale of       ::.
 .::        mystery, fear and survival, in the tradition of the             ::.
 .::        greatest Japanese horror classics!                              ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::        Join eight students and one teacher as they inadvertently       ::.
 .::        invoke a powerful curse and find themselves wandering the       ::.
 .::        haunted halls of Heavenly Host -- a constantly shifting         ::.
 .::        echo of a tragedy-stricken elementary school that should        ::.
 .::        have been torn down decades ago. With vengeful spirits          ::.
 .::        lurking around every corner and an omnipresent pressure         ::.
 .::        in the air threatening to break what's left of their            ::.
 .::        sanity, they must race against their own impending dooms        ::.
 .::        to solve the mystery of where and when they are,                ::.
 .::        cataloguing the rotting corpses of their own unsuccessful       ::.
 .::        predecessors all the while.                                     ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::        Featuring retro-styled 2D visuals, agonizingly detailed         ::.
 .::        art stills, binaural 3D audio with original Japanese            ::.
 .::        voices, over two dozen endings and some truly twisted           ::.
 .::        depictions of death, this story-driven horror adventure         ::.
 .::        is the perfect nightmare fuel.                                  ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::          * List of Undumped Playstation Portable PSN Games *           ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::       We are currently looking for suppliers of PSP PSN content.       ::.
 .::                                              ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::        EUR (Minis):                                                    ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::        - PAC-MAN Championship Edition (Italian)                        ::.
 .::        - PAC-MAN Championship Edition (Spanish)                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::        EUR (PSN Exclusives):                                           ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::        - Alpha Mission II (NeoGeo)                                     ::.
 .::        - Art of Fighting (NeoGeo)                                      ::.
 .::        - Baseball Stars Professional (NeoGeo)                          ::.
 .::        - Bejeweled 2                                                   ::.
 .::        - ClaDun x2                                                     ::.
 .::        - Dragon's Lair                                                 ::.
 .::        - Fatal Fury (NeoGeo)                                           ::.
 .::        - flOw                                                          ::.
 .::        - Gravity Crash Portable                                        ::.
 .::        - GTI Club Supermini Fiesta                                     ::.
 .::        - League Bowling (NeoGeo)                                       ::.
 .::        - Legends of War: Patton's Campaign                             ::.
 .::        - Magician Lord (NeoGeo)                                        ::.
 .::        - NeoGeo Heroes Ultimate Shooting                               ::.
 .::        - No Heroes Allowed!                                            ::.
 .::        - Peggle                                                        ::.
 .::        - Samurai Shodown (NeoGeo)                                      ::.
 .::        - Shock Troopers (NeoGeo)                                       ::.
 .::        - Super Sidekicks (NeoGeo)                                      ::.
 .::        - Syphon Filter: Combat Ops                                     ::.
 .::        - The King of Fighters '94 (NeoGeo)                             ::.
 .::        - The Red Star                                                  ::.
 .::        - TNT Racers                                                    ::.
 .::        - World Heroes (NeoGeo)                                         ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::        JPN (PSN Exclusives):                                           ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::        - Arcade Essentials                                             ::.
 .::        - Baseball Stars 2 (NeoGeo)                                     ::.
 .::        - King of Pool                                                  ::.
 .::        - Metal Slug 2 (NeoGeo)                                         ::.
 .::        - Ore ni Hatarakette Iwaretemo                                  ::.
 .::        - Shock Troopers (NeoGeo)                                       ::.
 .::        - Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 1.5 Dai-2-Wa                        ::.
 .::        - Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 1.5 Dai-3-Wa                        ::.
 .::        - Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 1.5 Dai-4-Wa                        ::.
 .::        - Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 1.5 Dai-5-Wa                        ::.
 .::        - The King of Fighters '95 (NeoGeo)                             ::.
 .::        - The King of Fighters '96 (NeoGeo)                             ::.
 .::        - World Heroes (NeoGeo)                                         ::.
 .::        - World Neverland: Qukria Kingdom Stories                       ::.
 .::        * undumped PCEngine titles:   ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::        JPN (PlayView for Games - Digital Strategy Guides):             ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::        - Atelier Meruru: The Alchemist of Arland 3                     ::.
 .::        - Gunparade March                                               ::.
 .::        - Monster Hunter Portable 3rd                                   ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::     - deest remedii locus, ubi, quae vitia fuerunt, mores fiunt -      ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.