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Accédez aux coordonnées de l’ensemble des techniciens professionnels recommandés par logic-sunrise 20 derniers dossiers et tutoriaux
14 septembre 2011
Plate-forme :
PS Vita / Psp
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 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                   The Impossible Game (c) Grip Games                   ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::      Region.........: USA              Languages.....: English         ::.
 .::      Platform.......: PSP              Format........: .ISO            ::.
 .::      Filename.......: pa-imgame.       Size..........: 01 x 20 mb      ::.
 .::      Disc Serial....: NPUZ-00254       CRC32.........: 477A6566        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::        Jumping over a series of spikes, pits and blocks may            ::.
 .::        sound easy, but The Impossible Game, as its name implies,       ::.
 .::        could possibly be the hardest game ever made.                   ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::          * List of Undumped Playstation Portable PSN Games *           ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::       We are currently looking for suppliers of PSP PSN content.       ::.
 .::                                              ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::        EUR (Minis):                                                    ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::        - Actual Crimes: Jack the Ripper                                ::.
 .::        - Age of Hammer Wars                                            ::.
 .::        - Arcade Essentials                                             ::.
 .::        - Athena                                                        ::.
 .::        - Best of Solitaire                                             ::.
 .::        - Car Jack's Street                                             ::.
 .::        - Caterpillar                                                   ::.
 .::        - Drums Challenge                                               ::.
 .::        - Epyx's Mission Impossible                                     ::.
 .::        - Family Games                                                  ::.
 .::        - Flick Fishing                                                 ::.
 .::        - Forest Puzzle                                                 ::.
 .::        - Freekscape: Escape from Hell                                  ::.
 .::        - Future Fight                                                  ::.
 .::        - HAL 21                                                        ::.
 .::        - Hello Flowerz                                                 ::.
 .::        - HISTORY Egypt Engineering An Empire                           ::.
 .::        - Left to Die in Zombhai                                        ::.
 .::        - Marvin' Maze                                                  ::.
 .::        - Mots Croises (French)                                         ::.
 .::        - Ozma Wars                                                     ::.
 .::        - PAC-MAN Championship Edition (French)                         ::.
 .::        - PAC-MAN Championship Edition (Italian)                        ::.
 .::        - PAC-MAN Championship Edition (Spanish)                        ::.
 .::        - Pallurikio                                                    ::.
 .::        - Panda Craze                                                   ::.
 .::        - Rasmus Klump and the Big Maze (Denmark)                       ::.
 .::        - Rasmus Klump in Pingonesien (Denmark)                         ::.
 .::        - Rasmus Klump is Saving the Chickens (Denmark)                 ::.
 .::        - Robin Hood: The Return Of Richard                             ::.
 .::        - Rocks N' Rockets                                              ::.
 .::        - Sasuke vs. Commander                                          ::.
 .::        - Super Fruitfall                                               ::.
 .::        - Vanguard                                                      ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::        EUR (PSN Exclusives):                                           ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::        - Alpha Mission II (NeoGeo)                                     ::.
 .::        - Art of Fighting (NeoGeo)                                      ::.
 .::        - Baseball Stars Professional (NeoGeo)                          ::.
 .::        - Bejeweled 2                                                   ::.
 .::        - Castle Rustle                                                 ::.
 .::        - Crystal Mines                                                 ::.
 .::        - Echochrome Micro                                              ::.
 .::        - Fatal Fury (NeoGeo)                                           ::.
 .::        - Gravity Crash Portable                                        ::.
 .::        - Groovin' Blocks                                               ::.
 .::        - Hoard                                                         ::.
 .::        - League Bowling (NeoGeo)                                       ::.
 .::        - Legends of War: Patton's Campaign                             ::.
 .::        - Magician Lord (NeoGeo)                                        ::.
 .::        - Metal Slug (NeoGeo)                                           ::.
 .::        - NeoGeo Heroes Ultimate Shooting                               ::.
 .::        - No Heroes Allowed!                                            ::.
 .::        - Peggle                                                        ::.
 .::        - Prinny 2: Dawn of Operation Panties, Dood!                    ::.
 .::        - Samurai Shodown (NeoGeo)                                      ::.
 .::        - Super Sidekicks (NeoGeo)                                      ::.
 .::        - Syphon Filter: Combat Ops                                     ::.
 .::        - The King of Fighters '94 (NeoGeo)                             ::.
 .::        - The Red Star                                                  ::.
 .::        - TNT Racers                                                    ::.
 .::        - Voodoo Dice                                                   ::.
 .::        - Zuma                                                          ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::        USA (Minis):                                                    ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::        - SHIFT extended (looking for a man who calls himself Bucho)    ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::        JPN (PSN Exclusives):                                           ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::        - Baseball Stars 2 (NeoGeo)                                     ::.
 .::        - Fading Shadows                                                ::.
 .::        - Ginsei Tsumeshogi Portable                                    ::.
 .::        - Misshitsu no Sacrifice Miki: High Tension Night               ::.
 .::        - Shock Troopers (NeoGeo)                                       ::.
 .::        - Taisen Obake                                                  ::.
 .::        - The King of Fighters '95 (NeoGeo)                             ::.
 .::        - Urbanix                                                       ::.
 .::        - World Heroes (NeoGeo)                                         ::.
 .::        * all PCEngine titles:        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::     - deest remedii locus, ubi, quae vitia fuerunt, mores fiunt -      ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.
 .::                                                                        ::.