Nom :
Autre information : Retrouvez la famille la plus d?jant?e de Springfield dans Les Simpson : Le Jeu sur Xbox 360. Incarnez Homer, Bart, Lisa et Marge dans un jeu d'action/plates-formes d?lirant. Avec son sc?nario jouable en solo ou en coop?ratif, traversez de nombreux niveaux dont certains parodient des licences vid?oludiques bien connues. Tout l'univers de la s?rie est fid?lement retranscrit dans cette adaptation ? l'humour... Jaune !
This PPF patch is for The.Simpsons.Game.USA.XBOX360-APATHY only.
This patch fixes 10 bytes of missing data in the video partition as well as
6 sectors of bad data in the game partition at offset 0xFE1D800 and another
9 sectors at offset 0x1003B800. There are no files this area, however the
bad data could serve as a marker for XBL backup detection.
Note: The_Simpsons_Game_NTSC_XBOX360-VORTEX is also reported to have corrupt
game data, however i don't have the release to make a patch.
DO NOT apply this patch to the VORTEX release.
VORTEX game data CRC = 5102753B
APATHY game data CRC = 8553392F
proper game data CRC = B7979573 (what you'll get by applying this ppf to APATHY)
1. Open ppf-o-matic3.exe
2. Select ISO File apathy-simpsons.iso
3. Select Patch apathy-simpsons.fix.ppf
4. Apply!
5. Burn using the .dvd file as normal