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Autre information :
We are fans of Duowan So we named our group as Duowan :p Duowan bring you this nice game! Ape Escape On The Move! (Chinese + English Version) Filename: dw-aeotmajbr.* Release : 2011-02-10 Size: 25*100 Language: CHT/ENG/KOR Format: PS3 JB Supplier: Team Duowan Note: We never do a P2P repack! We bought games with our own MONEY and dumped everything by our hands! Here is the proof: Boxart/Boxset/Disc/Mannual scans and the photo of gifts! We just use this groupname as a joke, the same as 2CH/ TiANYA. Although we had thought about using iGN :p We were too busy celebrating Chinese New Year and getting drunk that we forgot the western world don't know how to take jokes (at least while they are sober). Because we were so drunk, our communist army of irc bots were also drunk, so once when they woke up hung over the next day, they saw that they missed the original pre announce and did it some time later. In the mean time the release spread and was sadly leaked to p2p by some uncool fat people. We are sorry for the confusion, looks like the year of the rabbit and its theme of luck didn't rub on us as we ran out of luck! From this time, we will pre proof and we will let you serious western devils know when we are joking (that's a joke)! Happy Chinese New Year friends! Looking for HK/CN/JP/KR sites. Contact: