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Accédez aux coordonnées de l’ensemble des techniciens professionnels recommandés par logic-sunrise 20 derniers dossiers et tutoriaux
14 décembre 2007
Plate-forme :
3DS / DS
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                 The Place ... Where Nobody Dared To Go ...

Title:         Wordjong
Format:     Nintendo DS
Size:        8MB (clean)
Release Date:    9/20/2004
Publisher    Destineer
Tested:        CycloDS Evolution

Scrabble and Mahjong meet to create a hard-to-resist puzzle sensation in WordJong
DS, the best version of the popular casual puzzle game yet. WordJong has already
amassed a fanbase around the world with its downloadable and cell phone versions,
and now the DS release is set to reach a whole new audience with new features,
and addictive play.

We don't normally dabble in Nintendo DS stuff, but since no one else was going
to release this killer little puzzler, we released it.  Enjoy.

Where just a bunch of old farts that have NOTHING better to do than
take old ass movies and TV from the 1980s and 1990s and rip them from tape
to DVD and occassionally do some good quality TV cap for markets that are
deficient (like 70s Show).

No, we don't need members, curries, web sites, secretaries, groupies,
or anything else.  We don't release on a schedule, we don't have a
site or IRC channel.  Watch alt.binaries.dvdr and alt.binaries.multimedia
for our releases.