Ban.NukeThis.for.Ignorance.and.Undeniable.P2P.Affiliation.READNFO .NDS-NOTICE

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23 juillet 2010
Plate-forme :
3DS / DS
NukeThis is a terrible group with no standards.  Their leading member,
npickr, is so incredibly delusional, that even though he has absolutely no
idea what he is talking about, his total confidence in his false rambling
has secured him an undeserved position of authority in the section.

While they have needlessly released dupe games under the tag "CLEAN" for
several weeks, his recent activity is of more interest.  NukeThis
characteristically has released one or two games each week, but last week,
they released _six_ games in a single day.  What's even more interesting to
know is that every single one of them were repacked from P2P.

A quick search on Google reveals that a P2P romsite, "NDSUniverse", is the
source of every release that NukeThis pre'd on July 15th.  The site contains
a special section intended for donaters only, where the siteowners dump and
host exlusive games in an attempt to lure more members to pay the $25-50 fee
to leech repacked scene warez.  All of the following releases appeared on
this http paysite a full day before their respective NukeThis pres:


[see 01.png , 02.png]

This is not coincidence.  These games vary in region, publisher, and
release date.  The only reason for this grouping is that they originate
from a public P2P romsite.  Games that NukeThis did not pre have also
appeared recently, packed as -iND.

In addition to these P2P ties, the group appears to have zero knowledge of
the workings of the NDS.  Their slew of releases yesterday further
demonstrate their ignorance.  To begin, the obscurely tagged
Dragon_Ball_Origins_2_USA_CLEAN_NDS_NukeThis includes this gem of wisdom:
"this works on DSTWO and all CLEAN versions will work on future hardware.".
It must be nice to live in the world of NukeThis, where they are somehow
able to see into the future, and are able to confidently claim that sometime
in the future, their uncracked garbage dupe release will work on hardware
that is yet to exist.  The release contains anti-piracy checks that they
did not remove, and, while we do not live in the future like NukeThis,
know that in the present day, this release will fail on the majority of
flashcarts currently available.  Similarly, 
Petz_Hamsterz_Superstars_USA_NDS-NukeThis contains custom protection
which they are probably unaware of, and make no effort to remove.
They have no concern for whether their release even functions, as they
would know that the game fails if they had bothered to test it.

Further, the group is able to publicly contradict themselves on the same
day.  If one looks at Imagine_Babyz_Fashion_USA_MULTi3_DSi_NDS-NukeThis_iNT,
you will find the quote, "When DSi games are properly dumped you WILL get
nuked so pre internal or regret it later :-P".  Unaware to NukeThis, DSi
sections of games have already been correctly dumped and released by groups
such as RFTD.  The NukeThis release lacks this data, so they have
correctly tagged their incomplete garbage as Internal.  One might assume
that if NukeThis is giving advice, they might follow it themselves.
However, just hours beforehand, they released Toy_Story_3_USA_NDS-NukeThis,
a DSi enhanced title.  This release is missing data and is incorrectly
tagged.  If only someone had warned NukeThis to tag their release as
Internal or else risk a nuke.

And finally, in their most tremendous act of incompetence yet, we turn to
Astro_Invaders_USA_CLEAN_NDS-NukeThis.  This SAME EXACT GAME was released
the day before as Astro_Invaders_USA_NDS-SUXXORS.  The SUXXORS release
works fine, and yet NukeThis decides to release a CLEAN version, an
"untouched" copy for the collectors.  However, it seems as if their
release is not as clean as they thought.  I invite any of you to open up
the release in a hex editor.  Please scan to offset 0x00501C98 and read
what you see there.  [03.png]  If that's not enough for you, why don't you
play their "untouched" "clean" release for yourself.  Check out the credits.
[04.png]  It must be embarrassing when you are so desperate for a release
count you release a dupe, pretending it has merit through the fact that it
is "clean", when in fact you are spreading P2P garbage that DIRECTLY CALLS

He's been telling you himself for a long time with his group name.  I
suggest that it's time to finally listen.  Please, "NukeThis" group's
releases.  Deluser them from your sites, boot them from nukenets, and
purge this ignorance.