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12 mars 2010
Plate-forme :
3DS / DS
     ________________________________________________iNDEPENDENT SiNCE 2oo3_

    _____/\_  _______          /\     _____/\_  ______________/\_    _______
   /        \/       \  ______/  \   /        \/          /      \  /       \
  /         \\    _   \/______\  /  /         \\____  ___/   '\  \\/     _   \
 /            \  ' \   \     / \/ \/            \/    \  \        /__   ' \   \
/       /      \       \\   /     \\      /      \    \\ /   /       \        \\
\______/\______/_____  _/   \___  _/_____/\______/__  _//___/\________\_____  _/
                     \/         \/                  \/                      \/
     _____________________   _      __     __      _   _____________________
                 No-Intro )___________)   (___________( proudly presents...

     Wood Dumper - Slot 2 Mode - (r25mod)
     (__      _  (__________________________________________________________

        country.......: World               language(s)....: English
        release date..: 11.03.2010          store.date.....: Who Cares??
        system........: Nintendo DS         filename.......: ind-wdr25
        size..........: 1 MBit              supplier.......: Wood
     _notes_____________________________________________________)  _      __)

        Wood slot-2 dumper (r25mod) - Nintendo DS Dumping Tool Made From Wood

        We feel like coding ourselves the Slot-2 implementation for the tool.
        Now everybody can feel the magic of wood goblins, 3 times faster than
        with previous Slot-2 tools. Remember to DLDI-patch for your device if
        required and remember to send us redump information, of course ;-)

        - wood tools simply dump NTR cards correctly. We don't claim correct
          results with TWL cards.
        - "secure cardid fail" message: re-insert card and retry as required
          to overcome this problem. Some bitchy cards.
        - "secure area error" message: beta or unlicensed card. If displayed
          for a licensed card, please redump and confirm.
        - tools source code: http://code.google.com/p/wooddumper/

        Are you confused?

        Some "problematic" (512 byte data buffer) cards gave out FF-filled/
        replicated/undumpable headers with standard tools, even with our
        patched Rudolph's tools. This is the best *public* thing around.. :-P
        It's open source because leet.sekrets slow progress.

        The FTPd tool is: Wood_Dumper_r11_WORLD_READNFO_iNTERNAL_NDS-iND

        Dedicated to all those who care about things being done the right way.

        No-Intro 2o1o - "Clean dumps guardians since... ages :| We are old!"
     _greets____________________________________________________)  _      __)

        TrashMan, WRG, SiR VG and Caravan!
      _/\_                                                       ___________
     _>,"<______________________________________________________)  _      __)