ePSXe v2.0.2 disponible

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Playstation 3 / 4
ePSXe v2.0.2 disponible
Les développeurs talentueux CALB, Galtor et _Demo_ nous proposent une nouvelle version de ePSXe. Pour rappel, il s'agit d'un émulateur qui fonctionne grâce à ses nombreux plugins et qui vous permet d'émuler le son, le lecteur de CD-ROM et le contrôleur, sous Linux et Android il utilise un plugin supplémentaire pour le GPU.






ePSXe 2.0.2 for MacOSX have been released. 
You can find it in the downloads section (how to install below). 
First release for MacOSX using the 2.0.2 core - 64bit version (alpha). There are 2 packs for MacOSX. Follow the next steps depending on your selection 
A) No UI version. 
2) Double click in the download folder to uncompress. 
3) Copy ePSXe202.app to /Applications 
4) Run ePSXe202 from Applications to create the config files. (Go to system preferences - Security and Privacy to allow the app to run) 
5) You can config by edit $HOME/.epsxe/epsxerc. It is recommended to copy your PS1 bios (scph1001.bin) to $HOME/.epsxe/bios/ 
6) To run a iso, uncompress your iso, then choose in your iso "open with" and select ePSXe202, or drag and drop your game in ePSXe202. 
7) To run a cdrom, config your cdrom path in $HOME/.epsxe/epsxerc and double click in ePSXe202. 
8) For other options, you have to run from a console and use command lines. 
UI version (Gtk3). 
Epsxe for MacOSX is a port from the Linux version and the UI is based on GTK+3. Due to MacOSX dependencies system you will need to get the GTK+3 libraries used when it was compiled. So it is recommended to use HomeBrew to install. 
1) Install HomeBrew (http://brew.sh
2) Run from a console: brew install http://www.epsxe.com...files/epsxe.rb 
3) Now you can run epsxe from a console. 
ePSXe Team.



ePSXe 2.0.2 for Linux released!   -    May 11 2016  
ePSXe 2.0.2 for Linux have been released. 
You can find it in the downloads section. 
Updated to 2.0.2 core, including a 32bit version, and a 64bit version (alpha). 
Updated the UI to gtk3. 
Included gamelist support (click on the PSX letters in the logo) 
ePSXe Team.



Téléchargement : ePSXe

Samedi 14 Mai 2016, 06:58 par tralala
Source : epsxe.com
14 mai 2016, 07:16
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Magnifique le meilleur emulateur psx pour moi <3
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14 mai 2016, 08:49
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14 mai 2016, 09:26
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Super !
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14 mai 2016, 12:47
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