PRO-C f3 for 6.61, CIPL flasher left out intentionally since I don't know anything about it, I just used the keys/offsets for 6.60 (which won't work obviously).Edit:For devs interested, only offsets I had to update were in reboot.bin.1g:CODE:sceBootLfatOpen = 0x0000B6C0sceBootLfatRead = 0x0000AD58sceBootLfatClose = 0x00009C78other:CODE:sceBootLfatOpen = 0x0000B780sceBootLfatRead = 0x0000AE18sceBootLfatClose = 0x00009D38
Mmm c'est un fork du PRO CFW ?
Celui dont la page / source est :
Salut Tester sur PSP-2004
DATA CODE: 8C (Inflashable)
Fonctionnel mais pas de jeux tester pour l'instant
Merci pour la news