[Switch] Atmosphère 0.9.2 est disponible

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[Switch] Atmosphère 0.9.2 est disponible
La scène switch continue sa route dans leur développement actif, en effet le développeur SciresM vient de sortir la version 0.9.2 de son CFW.
Des améliorations d'emuMMC y sont présentes qui je le rappelle est le module pour l'emuNand
Désormais l'emuNAND en mode partition est plus stable bien qu'encore en phase de bêta, l'emuNAND en mode fichier est cependant encore très lent et peu stable.

SciresM en profite aussi pour commencer à réécrire stratosphère, ce qui permettra plus de possibilités aux modules système

Changelog :


0.9.2 is Atmosphère's twentieth official release.

fusee-primary was last updated in: 0.9.2.

With thanks to the @switchbrew team, Atmosphère 0.9.2 is bundled with hbl 2.1, and hbmenu 3.0.1.

The following was changed since the last release:

  • A number of emummc bugfixes were added (all thanks to @m4xw's hard work). The following is a summary of emummc changes:
    • Support for file-based emummc instances was fixed.
      • Please note: file-based emummc is still unoptimized, and so may be much slower than partition-based.
      • This speed differential should hopefully be made better in a future emummc update.
    • The way emummc handles power management was completely overhauled.
      • Emummc now properly handles init/de-init, and now supports low voltage mode.
      • Much better support for shutdown was added, which should assuage corruption/synchronization problems.
      • This should also improve support for more types of SD cards.
    • A bug was fixed that caused emummc to not work on lower system versions due to missing SVC access.
    • Please note: The configuration entries used for emummc have been changed.
      • emummc_ prefixes have been removed, since they are superfluous given the emummc category they are under.
      • As an example, emummc!emummc_enabled is now emummc!enabled.
      • INI configurations made by @CTCaer's tool (which is the recommended way to manage emummc) should automatically work as expected/be corrected.
        • If you do not wish to use the above, you will need to manually correct your configuration file.
    • General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.
  • Stratosphere is currently in the process of being re-written/refactored.
    • Stratosphere was my (SciresM's) first C++ project, ever -- the code written for it a year ago when I was learning C++ is/was of much lower quality than code written more recently.
    • Code is thus being re-written for clarity/style/to de-duplicate functionality, with much being moved into libstratosphere.
    • Stratosphere will, after the rewrite, globally use the sts:: namespace -- this should greatly enhancing libstratosphere's ability to provide functionality for system modules.
    • The rewritten modules consistently have lower memory footprints, and should be easier to maintain going forwards.
    • The sm, boot, spl, ro, and loader modules have been tackled so far.
  • General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.


Lien de téléchargement : Atmosphère 0.9.2


Dimanche 30 Juin 2019, 07:48 par Linkynimes
Source : github.com
30 juin 2019, 07:49
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merci .
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30 juin 2019, 07:58
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30 juin 2019, 09:30
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Merci pour la news :)
La prochaine news je la louperai pas, fais moi confiance :P
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30 juin 2019, 13:13
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Merci pour la news :)
La prochaine news je la louperai pas, fais moi confiance :P

Nop les news sont a moi Nimelo :)
La concurrences sera rude sur la switch XD
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30 juin 2019, 13:22
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Merci pour la news :)
La prochaine news je la louperai pas, fais moi confiance :P

Nop les news sont a moi Nimelo :)
La concurrences sera rude sur la switch XD

Très bien, c'est un duel entre toi et moi XD
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01 juillet 2019, 09:17
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Merci pour la news, je vais installer cela !

Je viens de proposer une news sur Switch, c'est ma 1ère... C'est comme la première fois que j'ai fait du vélo !
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02 juillet 2019, 08:49
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