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Inscrit(e) (le) 03 juin 2018
Déconnecté Dernière activité juil. 18 2018 13:19

Sujets que j'ai initiés


14 juillet 2018 - 12:51



Havnt had this problem before. Am exporting a 3d model out of archicad into 3ds max (mostly a mesh terrain and some slabs) As well as a 2d .dwg file . Can import into 3dmax ok. However I then need to scale it up about 8000 times to be at the correct scale that the .dwg is at when I bring it into max. Problem occurs after I have scaled it. The model reders ok but in the in the navigation viewport it appears fractured making working with it difficult even though it renders out ok.

Please help
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.


Python - 3DS Import Problem

14 juillet 2018 - 12:50


Does anyone know or have any idea if and existing R4 card will work in the new 3DS so that DS roms can be played on it? Just wandering, I have alot of my games on 1 card for simplicity of not carrying a bunch of game cards around and it would be nice if they could be played on it.

Please help
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

Streaming to Xbox 360 is screwed

14 juillet 2018 - 12:48



When trying to access my videos through TV/Series, X360's system video player shows a slashed circle next to series titles as though they were unplayable videos instead of pseudo-folders. Same goes for Director and Genre. I can only get to my videos through All Files, Location, or Rating. Tried through Server and LIbrary, service installed and not installed.
Using Windows 7, Xbox 360 Elite model.
Version 4.0.7 didn't have this problem, so it must be the result of something changed in the beta coding. Since no crash is involved, I'm unsure what extra files would help.

Please help
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.


Characters in Xbox 360

14 juillet 2018 - 12:46



I would really like it if you added more characters to the Xbox 360 version of Awesomenauts. Even Just adding Skree would be fine with me. He is my favorite character but he's missing. I play him all the time on my dad's PS4.

Please help
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

How do I get a non-warranty PS3 fixed?

05 juin 2018 - 09:35



Normally, I would just use my refined google-fu techniques to get an answer to my question but I'm at work right now and my internet usage is extremely limited. I have a friend who's PS3 recently broke on him. It still plays PS2 games but won't play Blu-ray disks or PS3 games. It has been just over a year since he purchased it so I doubt it's still under warranty and, besides, he doesn't have the receipt anymore. He now has a 360 and I'm thinking of buying his PS3 off of him and getting it fixed. 
My question is this: Does Sony offer something similar to Microsoft where they'll fix a console no longer under warranty for $100? Do they offer a paid repair at all or do I have to take it somewhere else? Has anyone had to have theirs repaired? Does anyone happen to have the PS3 customer service number?


Any help will be apprecited.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet. 
Thank you.