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Inscrit(e) (le) 28 nov. 2016
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#898001 KDW CFW2OFW v1.1 disponible

Posté par kdwgamestore - 30 novembre 2016 - 15:43

hoopla: yes if ofw 4.70 below we can inject without cfw consoles
if ofw 4.70+ we need cfw consoles for data transfer utility then all game will work correctly
thanks very much hoopla for make news for my tools

#898000 KDW CFW2OFW v1.1 disponible

Posté par kdwgamestore - 30 novembre 2016 - 15:40

thanks chronos and celesteblue: , i ll try to change name of my tool in next releae and add some feature include eboot.bin auto add..

sory for make all confuse my friend...

#897958 KDW CFW2OFW v1.1 disponible

Posté par kdwgamestore - 30 novembre 2016 - 13:43

i have post completed tutorial in tools , , thanks for support , thanks for all logic-sunrise member, im sory for bad english , ,,, tell me if you got any error/bug , let me fix is as possisble..

#897339 Kdw Lic.dat offline gen v1.0 disponible

Posté par kdwgamestore - 28 novembre 2016 - 05:42

thanks for share my tools , there are no virus ,maybe antivirus block that ,,, cause i have made it with notepad c++ ,@jean : yes its can make lic.dat for use with kdw2ofw converter than we can use to inject to your superslim ofw and make game work on your superslim