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Inscrit(e) (le) 18 déc. 2012
Déconnecté Dernière activité févr. 19 2013 21:26

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Easy and cheap X-Clamp removal tool

23 décembre 2012 - 11:55


I want to share with you a little tutorial for making a very useful tool for RGH process.
In some cases, we need to remove the X-clamp for solder some wires under the X-Clamp.
The easyest way to do this is to use a........X-Clamp!
You need a dremmel and some basic skills.

You need:

1. - 1pcs X-Clamp recovered from some older boards...
2. - 1pcs dremmel
3. - some time to do the job done

Use some glasses for eyes protection!


1. Cut with dremmel the X-clamp on the marks:
2. Cut on the second marks
3. Test tool on X-clamp and adjust with the dremmel if needed.
4. Have fun

Please someone translate this in french.

P.S. This is a modest Noel gift from me, to all Logic-Sunrise users

Joyeux Noël!