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Inscrit(e) (le) 17 janv. 2012
Déconnecté Dernière activité avril 01 2012 22:16

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multiman 04.02.03

15 mars 2012 - 20:07

This new update adds 3D Avi Support.
* Added experimental/POC support for frame-packed 3D video playback
* Video files in AVI 3D format must be named with .avi3d (AVI3D) file extension
* Supported formats:
- DivX or XviD in AVI container (FourCC codes must be divx/DX50. When XviD codec is used, mM will change the IDs automatically)
- SIDE-BY-SIDE 3D: 1920x 720 ( 960x720 frame per eye)
- TOP-BOTTOM(O/U): 1280x1080 (1280x540 frame per eye)
* Simple video controls in stereo player: [START] - Pause playback, [CIRCLE] - Quit playback, [UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT] - Adjustments for anaglyph mode
* If TV set supports 3D video playback - 3D AVI files will be played back in 3D mode
* If TV set does not support 3D video playback - 3D AVI files will be played back in red/cyan anaglyph mode (Red-Cyan glasses needed)
* Two stereo samples in SBS and TB format (xvid_encraw used for encoding)