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Inscrit(e) (le) 22 oct. 2011
Déconnecté Dernière activité janv. 10 2013 21:34

Messages que j'ai postés

Dans le sujet : [EN] Create a nand with Hacked Kernel using ggbuild

16 novembre 2011 - 01:24

Xbox has a total of 3 units. 3 of them doing the same problem. xell boot fine, do not boot the dashboard. I am mad.

1x falcon cb5771, 1x 16 mb jasper cb6750 , 1x 512 mb jasper cb6750

all of the same problem. xell boot fine, do not boot the dashboard. please help :(

Dans le sujet : [EN] Create a nand with Hacked Kernel using ggbuild

22 octobre 2011 - 22:54

I hope that somebody can answer my question.

Finaly I made an slim4go.bin flash it on my Trinity with NandPro

Xell Reloaded work, but dashboard still nothing. :-(

So I was thinking what if I flash it to stock again with the original nanddump. Before I did that, I removed my cpld.

Then I turn on my Slim and got a red dot after around 25sec.

So put back my xilinx cpld and flashed the image_00000000.ecc on it and Xell Reloaded starts up like before.

It realy drives me grazy.

If somebody knows what could be the problems please let me know.

I did not had any badblocks.

Thanx in advance.