Quelqu'un sait, de source sûr, si ça sera uniquement accessible aux comptes gold?
Si c'est le cas Microsoft sont vraiment d'un mercantilisme pitoyable en tout cas, et montre bien le peu d'intérêt qu'ils portent à une grande partie des acheteurs de leurs consoles, jeux, et matériels, qui n'ont pas forcémment l'envie ou les moyens de s'abonner à un service online. Personnelement le jeu en ligne ne m'intéresse pas, mais ces fonctionnalité, superficielles, peuvent être agréable à utiliser de temps en temps. Enfin bon, s'il y a quelque chose qui a lancer le pourrissement de cette gen de consoles, c'est bien la politique de microsoft sur xbox.
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Messages que j'ai postés
Dans le sujet : Xbox Live : Youtube, Dailymotion, Allociné et d'autres nouveautés
30 novembre 2011 - 12:20
Dans le sujet : Il faudra attendre encore pour le firmware de KaKaRoTo
30 novembre 2011 - 11:45
Kararoto n'a pas été leaké, voilà ce qu'il dit sur cette page http://pastie.org/2941787 :
"Ok, so I dug and figured out what happened... GOOD NEWS! There was no leak! Although you never really know, but I'm more and more convinced that it wasn't a leak.
So first of all, thank you to all who gave their support and the twitter flood was extreme. I am really happy to see that many concerned users in the scene, with a very few exceptions, I noticed that most people were disgusted and unhappy with the leak, someone summed it up pretty nicely "While I should be happy that it's leaked, I'm not, I'm disgusted, I don't even want to use it now". So thank you, with your support, you have given me joy and the confidence that this scene has a lot more voices than the few angry haters.
That being said, here's an explanation of what happened.
Someone came to talk to me on IRC asking "Is this how you did ? " and he gave some explanation.. which was true. At that point, it could be either coincidence or a leak, but what made me believe in a leak is that he said something (which I can't really tell what it is) that was very unique and special and weird and you wouldn't expect it (even if you found the same 'exploit'), and that little detail was specific to my jailbreak. Unfortunately, the guy went offline before I could reply to him, so all I could see was that it was a leak.
After going around, only 6 people actually knew of the jailbreak's method, and I spoke to all of them and I trust them all and I'm sure none of them spoke about it with anyone. It turns out, the person who approached me asking "is this how you did : .... " had not received any information from anyone. When I finally caught him online and asked him where he got that information, I realized that it was simply someone who was clever enough to figure it out.
As for that one detail that was quite unique to my jailbreak, it turns out it was miscommunication.. the guy meant something completely different from what I understood, and yes, I guess I was just being paranoid and I interpreted it in one way. But when he explained what he meant by it, it made sense... now that I read his message again, I see exactly what he meant, but since I couldn't understand it first, the only way I could interpret it was to understand it as being that detail specific to my method. Life is hard when one word/sentence can be interpreted in multiple valid ways...
So anyways, that's how it is, it looks like nothing was leaked, so everyone's happy now. But this was a wake up call actually, it just reinforced that I should be even more cautious and avoid talking about it to anyone until it's ready.
On that note, progress was made even though I'm on vacation, and it's going well, I won't say anything else
Thank you,
"Ok, so I dug and figured out what happened... GOOD NEWS! There was no leak! Although you never really know, but I'm more and more convinced that it wasn't a leak.
So first of all, thank you to all who gave their support and the twitter flood was extreme. I am really happy to see that many concerned users in the scene, with a very few exceptions, I noticed that most people were disgusted and unhappy with the leak, someone summed it up pretty nicely "While I should be happy that it's leaked, I'm not, I'm disgusted, I don't even want to use it now". So thank you, with your support, you have given me joy and the confidence that this scene has a lot more voices than the few angry haters.
That being said, here's an explanation of what happened.
Someone came to talk to me on IRC asking "Is this how you did ? " and he gave some explanation.. which was true. At that point, it could be either coincidence or a leak, but what made me believe in a leak is that he said something (which I can't really tell what it is) that was very unique and special and weird and you wouldn't expect it (even if you found the same 'exploit'), and that little detail was specific to my jailbreak. Unfortunately, the guy went offline before I could reply to him, so all I could see was that it was a leak.
After going around, only 6 people actually knew of the jailbreak's method, and I spoke to all of them and I trust them all and I'm sure none of them spoke about it with anyone. It turns out, the person who approached me asking "is this how you did : .... " had not received any information from anyone. When I finally caught him online and asked him where he got that information, I realized that it was simply someone who was clever enough to figure it out.
As for that one detail that was quite unique to my jailbreak, it turns out it was miscommunication.. the guy meant something completely different from what I understood, and yes, I guess I was just being paranoid and I interpreted it in one way. But when he explained what he meant by it, it made sense... now that I read his message again, I see exactly what he meant, but since I couldn't understand it first, the only way I could interpret it was to understand it as being that detail specific to my method. Life is hard when one word/sentence can be interpreted in multiple valid ways...
So anyways, that's how it is, it looks like nothing was leaked, so everyone's happy now. But this was a wake up call actually, it just reinforced that I should be even more cautious and avoid talking about it to anyone until it's ready.
On that note, progress was made even though I'm on vacation, and it's going well, I won't say anything else
Thank you,
Dans le sujet : Le Xbox Live victime d'un phishing : la réponse de Microsoft
29 novembre 2011 - 03:19
Dire qu'à chaque fois que je reçois ce type de mail je me dis qu'il faut vraiment être bête pour y répondre, et que ça ne doit donc absolument pas marcher pour ces escrocs, et là 1 millions de comptes!!!!
Que faut-il en penser ?
Si ce n'est qu'il y a 1 millions de...
Que faut-il en penser ?
Si ce n'est qu'il y a 1 millions de...
Dans le sujet : Mise à jour silencieuse de Microsoft
18 novembre 2011 - 02:49
samprod, le 17 novembre 2011 - 23:56, dit :
En même temps il ne faut jamais connecter sa console au live, c'est beaucoup plus sûr.
Que ce soit pour jouer online ou avoir un plus joli menu
il va bien falloir faire une maj un jours pour jouer aux nouveau jeux qui va venir
Les maj tu peux les faire par clés usb sans passer par le live, pour info.
Dans le sujet : Mise à jour silencieuse de Microsoft
18 novembre 2011 - 00:36
C'est sur, mais M$ ajoutera aussi ses maj dans les prochains jeuxHACk et Live = PAs bien.... on ne cessera de le répéter, tampis pour ceux qui jouent les kamikazes
Oui mais là il suffira de lire les commentaires, et d'attendre 2,3 jours avant de DL.
Je remarque d'ailleurs que souvent ce sont les plus pressés qui se font prendre.
Perso, j'attends toujours d'avoir des retours avant de faire quoi que ce soit.
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