JQE a fait un communiqué sur le site de la team FSD. En gros, c'est pour rassurer les personnes qui n'ont plus le moindre espoir de voir une mise à jour sortir. Effectivement, elle n'est pas prête de sortir, en tout cas pas cet été. La team dit avoir fait beaucoup de changement dans FSD et ils attendent une version complète et stable pour faire une release. Reste alors à patienter quelques temps encore.
Le communiqué :
Published on 06-29-2011 07:34 PM
Good Day,
I am posting this to let everyone know where things stand and to clear things up a little bit FSD is being worked on actively and we are really putting a lot of work into this version.
We hope you will all like it and there will be a lot of changes.
Now i also want to say we do this in our spare time and we do it cause we like to do it. I am sorry you don't think we update you enough or we don't release enough but really we do the best we can.
We all have jobs to pay the bills and families we enjoy spending time with. It's summer so we are enjoying vacations and the weather.
This does not mean we aren't working on FSD but it DOES mean that things slow down a bit. So with that being said we will release information when it becomes relevant and we will release Versions when they become stable. If that is not quick enough or soon enough that's too bad for you.
SO with all that being said here is an update for you. We will likely NOT be posting another update thread soon as it won't mean anything to you when i say "Fixed crash in General Settings Screen: cause on your version there isn't one. So we are working on it and we are going to get it out as soon as we can.