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Sujets que j'ai initiés

WiiMC v1.2.3 : le Media Center de votre Wii

04 mars 2012 - 13:40

Tantric et Rodries nous proposent une nouvelle version 1.2.3 de leur fameux WiiMC (Wii Media Center), le lecteur multimédia (audio, vidéo, image) de votre Wii. Il est en français et open source. Vous trouverez dans l'archive la nouvelle chaîne, l'update et l'installer (utile uniquement si c'est la première fois que vous installez WiiMC). En plus des charmantes améliorations qui ont été apportées, de nouvelles fonctionnalités ont été ajoutées et les lecteurs ont été mis à jour.


Fonctionnalités :


- Possibilité de jouer une vidéo ou une musique.

- Lancer des DVD.

- Voir des photos.

- Support média online.

- Support des SD, USB 2.0, SMB, HTTP, et FTP.

- Interface soignée basée sur libwiigui.g


Changelog :


Synced to MPlayer r34780 and ffmpeg 83c418e68ee5 

Compiled with latest libogc and devkitPPC r25 

Improved network initialization 

Improved music playlist sorting – now it is per-folder (patch by entropy) 

Added playlist reset with minus key (patch by entropy)

Added a new “Through” setting for music playlists (patch by entropy)


ModMii version 5.2.0 *MAJ 2*

19 janvier 2012 - 18:49

XFlak, créateur de ModMii, nous propose aujourd'hui une nouvelle version de son programme qui passe en v5.2.0. Ce programme vous permettra de télécharger des IOS, des cIOS, des firmwares que vous voulez installer, des thèmes, etc. Il vous suffira de répondre à des questions simples et il téléchargera les fichiers nécessaires dans un dossier que vous devrez mettre dans votre carte SD et à installer à l'aide d'un installateur de WAD (PMW, WAD Manager...). Disponible en plusieurs langues (anglais, italien, français, allemand et espagnol), cet outil est indispensable à toute personne voulant modifier sa Wii. Changelog :


Added a DML rev selector and updated DML build process to support DML rev12+.

DML was also moved from Download Page 1 to Download Page 4.

I want to extend a big thank you to crediar for continuing to work on DML

and addressing the issues that DML was facing when running from bootmii IOS.

Your solution to install DML on the real NAND to slot 257 solved a lot of

problems and the scene thanks you. I also want to recognize WiiPower who

has become increasingly involved in the DML project.


Added an option to build DML with debug\logging mode enabled.


Updated NeoGamma on ModMii's Download Page 2 from R9 beta50 to R9 beta56.

This version of NeoGamma is able to use DML to play gamecube game backups

from an SD Card without requiring NEEK or an emulated NAND.


Added support to build d2x cIOSs with base IOS60, IOS70 and IOS80.


ModMii's SD\USB Forwarder creator was updated from v11b to v11c.

ModMii's other forwarder channels were also updated to v11c.


neek2o rev70+ now uses SNEEKInstallerv0.7a instead of SNEEKInstallerv0.6c.


Now when PC programs are downloaded with local save settings (or possibly Auto)

they will be saved to a Program Files folder wherever ModMii is saved instead

of always being saved to C:\ModMii\Program Files.


Other minor changes.


**MAJ 20/01/12** : par Yoann-95


ModMii vient de passer en version 5.2.1. Changelog :

- Fixed bug where DML was not downloaded when building an emulated NAND.


**MAJ 26/01/12** : par gerome5


ModMii vient de passer en version 5.5.1. Changelog :


- Fixed bug where ModMii would crash when using the ModMii Wizard if downloading WiiFlow.
- Fixed bug where you could not go return to the page prior to inputting your serial number when building an emulated nand for uneek2o or uneek2o+di (bug did not effect Abstinence Wizard).
- Reverted WiiFlow on ModMii's Download Page 2 back to r304 at FIX94's request. When his mod if WiiFlow is more stable it will be added back to ModMii as an autoupdating download.

SaveGame Manager GX r118 : gestionnaire de sauvegardes *MAJ 2*

10 janvier 2012 - 20:24

Développé par dj_skual, SaveGame Manager est un utilitaire pour votre Wii permettant de gérer vos sauvegardes de jeux (installation/extraction). Ce soft est doté d'une interface basée sur le LibWiiGui de Tantric, les sources de SaveGame Manager 1.5 de Waninkoko, de WiiXplorer de Dimok & r-win, et les artworks venant de UsbLoaderGx de cyrex & NeoRame. Voici les détails de cette nouvelle révision :


r118 : 



* Removed buggy focus system completely (it was never working correct)

* Added support to control screen pointer with gc pad, nunchuk or classic

controller. you are always able to control as long as the corresponding wii

control does not point to the screen (e.g. wiimote 1 not pointing to screen ->

gcpad/nunchuk/classic controller 1 can control pointer 1). A speed factor is

added to the gui option (thx dimok)

* Added Numpad text theme and is applied with keyboard theme entries

* Added flush of homebrew memory before launching app_booter



r117 :


* Added Data.bin extraction (official nintendo format) from nand to storage device only if the app

is running under real nand.

* Added custom path to selected where must be extracted your data.bin by default


* Added Keys class to find some Wii keys

* Changed the animation behavior of icons (thanks antidote)

* Some little changes in fileops, DirList and IosLoader::GetIosInfo()

* Fixed false loading of custom dip module on d2x cIOS (thx dimok)

* Converted all ogg sounds from 44.1 khz to 48 khz (thx dimok)

* Fixed bad memory deallocation in data.bin fonctions to avoid corrupted datas


* Added libseeprom (a library that provides filesystem access to the Wii's SEEPROM)

* Added libotp (a library that provides filesystem access to the Wii's OTP)

* Updated libext2fs to 1.0.4 r19



**MAJ 21/01/2012** : par gerome5


Changelog : SaveGame Manager GX rev119


Added Class Nand and Class Tools

* Reworked lot of fonctions to use those new classes

* Reworked old mii_installer fonction as a new class Mii

* Fixed Random freeze while browsing save on

* Fixed browser's freeze if no mii or savegame are installed in the nand

* Lot of sources changes, clean and sort

* Added a Mii::FixDB() fonction on startup (fix Facelib file and miichannel's


1) On Real Nand:

* If Facelib datas are corrupted, the app will fix the file, but all miis will be loses

* If the MiiChannel's datas are set to ask to begin with create a mii, the app will fix datas to avoid this problem. You can now install Miis from my app before use the MiiChannel and never have to create a new Mii


2) On Emulated Nand (uneek):

* If Facelib are not installed, the app will install this one.

You can now manage Miis without a MiiChannel installed. Nice for games like Mario Kart...

* If the MiiChannel is installed and datas are not installed or

with bad set, the app will create and fix datas.

3) The app need a mii_db.bin file to fix FaceLib, there are 2 ways:

* If your wii is not connected to internet, download on google

site and copy the file in your config folder (http://savegame-mana...file/mii_db.bin)

* If your wii is connected to internet, the mii_db.bin file is not found on storage device and the app is set to auto_connect, the app will download the file.


**MAJ 08/02/2012** : par afnan


Changelog SaveGame Manager GX r120 :


- Changed the Taskbar layout
- Added USB HDD multipartition support
- Fixed Mii::Fix_DB() problem if the 3ds transfert fonction is enabled
- Added a prompt to enable the 3DS transfert while Mii::Fix_DB()
- Fixed bug in aiff sound playback (thx dimok)
- Moved Mem2_Init() after video init
- Changed NEEK running detection

- Added libuneekfs 1.0.6 (thx odbc)

ModMii v5.1.1

05 janvier 2012 - 14:10

XFlak, créateur de ModMii, nous propose aujourd'hui une nouvelle version de son programme qui passe en v5.1.1. Ce programme vous permettra de télécharger des IOS, des cIOS, des firmwares que vous voulez installer, des thèmes, etc. Il vous suffira de répondre à des questions simples et il téléchargera les fichiers nécessaires dans un dossier que vous devrez mettre dans votre carte SD et à installer à l'aide d'un installateur de WAD (PMW, WAD Manager...). Disponible en plusieurs langues (anglais, italien, français, allemand et espagnol), cet outil est indispensable à toute personne voulant modifier sa Wii.




- Fixed bug where ModMii's Emulated NAND Modifier would crash if the neek2o option was disabled.

- Bugfix: Forgot to include changelog joke in the last update.

Mighty Loader V17.1

02 janvier 2012 - 02:19

Mighty Loader v17.1, développé par Marc, est un USB Loader basé sur le code de l'USB Loader de Waninkoko. Cet USB Loader est compatible avec les derniers jeux. Contrairement à Wiiflow, USB Loader Gx ou encore Configurable USB Loader, Mighty Loader dispose uniquement des options minimales. Dans cette nouvelle version, Marc a corrigé quelques bugs et appliqué d'autres modifications.




* fixed a reload IOS slot bug (thanks to KiRiKi for warning me)

* small internal tweaks