Le développeur LighningMods tease une nouvelle version d'etaHEN, il nous informe que cette version en développement a été mise à jour par Lapy et implémentée par illusion, de quoi nous faire saliver.Selon https://stickwarapk.download/, cette version intégrera une option permettant de monter /data dans une sandbox d'applications (qui sera activée par défaut).
After reading about the new version of etaHEN being developed by LightningMods, with updates from Lapy and implementation by illusion, it's exciting to hear about the new features they're working on. The option to mount /data in an application sandbox, enabled by default, sounds like a significant improvement. This update could potentially enhance security and privacy by isolating data within individual applications, providing users with more control over their data. It's impressive to see developers continuously striving to improve their software and deliver enhanced functionality to users. The dedication and collaborative efforts of the development team are commendable, and it's exciting to anticipate the release of the new version.