Instructions on how to backportStep 1: The ebootUnfself it and use readelf -a on it~you should see this sectionLOOS+0x1000010 0x00000000063c4000 0x0000000006400000 0x00000000064000000x000000000083a100 0x000000000083a100 R 0x4000Example for final fantasy vii remake demoAlign it upwards from 0x200000 bytes on 2nd Memsize, like so:LOOS+0x1000010 0x00000000063c4000 0x0000000006400000 0x00000000064000000x000000000083a100 0x0000000000a00000 R 0x4000Then search for the SDK Version in ORBI Place, for example in ff7r eboot the offset is at 0x6c0001001 00 05 05 <- correct sdk versionThen at the bottom of the eboot you can find the elf build namePATHH���D���c:/j/workspace/B/b_BuPS4M/cw/End/Binaries/PS4/End-PS4-Shipping.selfAfter the PATH and name patch every single instance05 05 00 01Step 2: The modulesThese are easy, at the bottom there's an sdk version05 05 00 01Near end of moduleSpecifically for some modules, an extra step needs to be done:Search for 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 BF F4 13 3C 01 00 00 00After there is sdk version, patch it01 00 05 05Some modules are also linked with others modulesAgain at bottomPATH0���*���C:/devel/projects/bink/build/Bink2PS4.prxAfter05 05 00 01Every single instanceStep 3: The Param.sfoThis one is the most simplesdk_ver=After this put05050001ASCII valuesThen there is a hidden oneBefore the game's nameput00 00 05 05This completes backporting