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[Multi] RetroArch 1.8.6 disponible

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Posté 06 mai 2020 - 10:40



    \0/ Postman \0/

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La Team LibRetro vient de mettre en ligne sur son ligne officiel une toute nouvelle version de RetroArch qui est proposée en v1.8.6.
Au programme, de nouveaux cores, des améliorations en masse, et de nouveaux portages : 
- Le portage de PSL1GHT PlayStation3
- iOS/tvOS - Correction d'une coupure audio lors d'une interruption
- OpenGL Core - Améliorations des slang shader
- N'écrit les fichiers de configuration sur le disque que lorsque les paramètres changent
- Compression des playlists
- Compression SRAM
- Compression des états des sauvegardes
- Empêche les entrées redondantes dans les listes de lecture lors du traitement du contenu M3U
- Amélioration du traitement des listes de lecture "brisées"
- Ajouter un tri alphabétique facultatif par liste de lecture
- Correction de la saisie par la souris/les fonctions tactiles dans le menu Ozone
- Activation de la réduction automatique de la taille du menu lors de l'exécution à basse résolution (jusqu'à 256×192) sur la RGUI
- Améliorations du widget et de la police du menu
- Correction du scanner de contenu sur les versions d'Android



Changelog 1.8.6
3DS: Add IDs for UZEM, TGB Dual, and NeoCD
3DS: Fix font driver horizontal text alignment
3DS: Allow button presses up to INPUT_MAX_USERS – this enables the 3DS to bind and use buttons and axis for users up to the maximum set by ‘Max Users’ in the input settings menu.
3DS: Disable video filter if upscaled resolution exceeds hardware limits. The 3DS has a maximum video buffer size of 2048×2048. This is sufficient for every core that it supports, but when using software video filters the core output resolution is doubled. This is made worse by the fact that the video filter upscaling buffer size is dependent upon the maximum output resolution of the core – which in some cases is very large indeed (e.g. pcsx-rearmed sets a maximum width of 1024, for enhanced resolution support). The 3DS has very limited ‘linear memory’ for graphics buffer purposes, and a large base core buffer + video filter buffer can easily exceed this – which may also disable video output, or cause a crash. This PR very simply adds a 3DS-specific check to the video filter initialisation: if the resultant upscaling buffer exceeds the hardware limitation, then the filter is automatically disabled.
3DS/FONT/BUGFIX: Text colour was wrong: the RGBA channels were muddled, and R was always set to 255
3DS/FONT/BUGFIX: When drawing multiline strings, the line spacing was completely incorrect
3DS/FONT: Improves the appearance of the drop shadow effect on notification text.
3DS/ARCHIVE/7Z: Re-enable 7zip support.
ARCHIVE/ZIP: Expand functionality of ‘rzip_stream’ interface. This PR expands the functionality of the new rzip_stream archived stream interface such that it now has almost complete feature parity with the standard file_stream interface, and can therefore be used as a drop-in replacement in most situations
AI SERVICE: Hide redundant entries when service is disabled
AI SERVICE: Added in auto-translate support
AI SERVICE: support for NVDA and SAPI narration
AUTOCONFIG: Use correct port index in input device configured/disconnected notifications
BUGFIX: Fix race condition where task could momentarily not be in the queue when reordering
CHEEVOS/BUGFIX: Prevent null reference rendering achievement list while closing application
CHEEVOS/BUGFIX: Report non-memorymap GBA cores as unsupported
COMMANDLINE: Advise against using -s and -S variables on the command line.
CONFIG FILE: Only write config files to disk when parameters change
CONFIG FILE/BUGFIX: RetroArch no longer crashes when attempting to save a config file after ‘unsetting’ a parameter (currently, this can be triggered quite easily by manipulating input remaps)
CONFIG FILE/BUGFIX: When using Material UI, RetroArch no longer modifies the wrong setting (or segfaults…) when tapping entries in the Quick Menu > Controls input remapping submenu
CONFIG FILE/BUGFIX: Quite a few real and potential memory leaks have been fixed.
CHD: Fixes a crash caused by ignoring the return value from one of the CHD library functions
FASTFORWARDING: A new Mute When Fast-Forwarding option has been added under Settings > Audio. When enabled, users can fast forward without having to listen to distorted audio.
GLCORE/SLANG: Set filter and wrap mode correctly when intialising shader textures. Before, the glcore shader driver did not correctly initialise loaded textures. The texture filtering and wrap mode were forced on texture creation, but these settings were not recorded – subsequent updates would set garbage values, that would resolve to linear filtering OFF and wrap mode = CLAMP_TO_EDGE.
LOCALIZATION: Update Japanese translation
LOCALIZATION: Update Spanish translation
LOCALIZATION: Update Portuguese Brazilian translation
IOS: Set audio session category to ambient so sound does not get cut off on interruption (phone call/playing back audio)
MAC/IOHIDMANAGER/BUGFIX: Fix for Mayflash N64 adapter. In case last hatswitch does not match cookie. For the mayflash N64 adapter, I was getting a BAD EXC ADDRESS (in mac OS 10.13) for this line (tmp was NULL). Retroarch would crash in the gui if I pressed a button from the DPAD on controller 2. With this change, it no longer crashes in the gui and still registers the button push.
MAC/COCOA: Fix mouse input – this brings back two lines of code that have been removed over time but appear to be required in order for mouse input to work on macOS
METAL/BUGFIX: GPU capture on Metal/OSX/NVidia could crash
METAL/BUGFIX: Taking screenshots could capture black frames. Resulting PNG screenshots were black.
METAL/BUGFIX: Corrupted image due to incorrect viewport copy when taking screenshot
MENU: Prevent font-related segfaults when using extremely small scales/window sizes
MENU: Fix ‘gfx_display_draw_texture_slice()’
MENU/FONT: Enable correct vertical alignment of text (+ font rendering fixes)
MENU/RGUI: Enable automatic menu size reduction when running at low resolutions (down to 256×192)
MENU/OZONE: Update timedate style options for Last Played sublabel metadata
MENU/OZONE: Hide ‘Menu Color Theme’ setting when ‘Use preferred system color theme’ is enabled
MENU/OZONE: Fix thumbnail switching via ‘scan’ button functionality
MENU/OZONE: Prevent glitches when rendering Ozone’s selection cursor
MENU/OZONE: Enable proper vertical text alignment + thumbnail display improvements
MENU/OZONE: Enable second thumbnail/content metadata toggle using RetroPad ‘select’
MENU/OZONE: Refactor footer display
MENU/OZONE: Hide thumbnail button hints when viewing file browser lists
MENU/OZONE/INPUT/BUGFIX: Fix undefined behaviour when using touch screen to change input remaps
MENU/OZONE/INPUT/BUGFIX: It turns out that Windows reports negative pointer coordinates when the mouse cursor goes beyond the left hand edge of the RetroArch window (this doesn’t happen on Linux, so I never encountered this issue before!). As a result, if Ozone is currently not showing the sidebar (menu depth > 1), moving the cursor off the left edge of the window generates a false positive ‘cursor in sidebar’ event – which breaks menu navigation, as described in #10419. With this PR, we now handle ‘cursor in sidebar’ status correctly in all cases
MENU/OZONE/INPUT/BUGFIX: Pointer input is now correctly disabled when message boxes are displayed
MENU/XMB: Fix thumbnail switching via ‘scan’ button functionality
ODROID GO ADVANCE: Add DRM HW context driver
PSL1GHT: Initial port
PSL1GHT/KEYBOARD: Implement PSL1GHT keyboard
PLAYLIST/BUGFIX: Improve handling of ‘broken’ playlists – RetroArch will no longer segfault when attempting to run content via a playlist entry with missing path or core path fields.
PLAYLIST/BUGFIX: Improve handling of ‘broken’ playlists – when a playlist entry has either core path and/or core name set to NULL, DETECT or an empty string, attempting to load content will fallback to the normal ‘core selection’ code (currently this happens only if both core path and core name are DETECT – this is wholly inadequate!)
PLAYLIST/BUGFIX: RetroArch will no longer segfault when attempting to fetch content runtime information when core path is NULL
PLAYLIST/BUGFIX: Core name + runtime info will only be displayed on playlists and in the Information submenu if both the core path and core name fields are ‘valid’ (i.e. not NULL or DETECT)
PLAYLIST/BUGFIX: When handling entries with missing path fields, the menu sorting order now matches that of the playlist sorting order (at present, everything goes out of sync when paths are empty). Moreover, entries with missing path fields can now be ‘selected’, so users can remove them (currently, hitting A on such an entry immediately tries – and fails – to load the content, so the only way to remove the broken entry is via the Playlist Management > Clean Playlist feature)
PLAYLIST: Add optional per-playlist alphabetical sorting
PLAYLIST: Omit whitespace when writing compressed JSON format playlists
PLAYLIST: Add optional playlist compression
QNX: Support analog sticks
SAVESTATES: Add optional save state compression (enabled by default now)
SRAM: Add optional save (SRAM) file compression
SCANNER: Prevent redundant playlist entries when handling M3U content
SCANNER/ANDROID: Fix content scanner being unable to identify certain games from CHD images (raw data sector/subcode)
TASKS/BUGFIX: Fix task deadlocks
TASKS/SCREENSHOT/BUGFIX: Fix heap-use-after-free error when widgets are disabled
TVOS: Disable overlays for tvOS, fix app icon
VIDEO/WIDGETS/BUGFIX: The font ascender/descender metrics added in #10375 are now used to achieve ‘pixel perfect’ vertical text alignment
VIDEO/WIDGETS/BUGFIX: Message queue text now uses its own dedicated font. Previously, a single (larger) font was used for all active widgets, and this was scaled down for message queue items. This ‘squished’ the text a little; more importantly, when using the stb font renderers (on Android. etc.) it caused ugly artefacts around the edges of glyphs due to pixel interpolation errors. Now that a correctly sized font is used, the message queue is always rendered cleanly.
VIDEO/WIDGETS/BUGFIX: Previously, each widget font was ‘flushed’ (font_driver_flush()) at least once a frame. This is quite a slow operation. Now we only flush fonts if they have actually been used.
VULKAN/BUGFIX: Fix display of statistics text
UNIX/BUGFIX: Fix overflow when computing total memory on i386
WIIU/BUGFIX: Fix font driver horizontal text alignment
WIIU/BUGFIX: Fix non-vertex coordinates in draws using tex shader
WIIU/BUGFIX: Update and fix meta.xml file for the WiiU release. This change makes it so the information from the meta.xml file parsed for the WiiU’s Homebrew Launcher is displayed properly.



Téléchargement : RetroArch 1.8.6

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Posté 06 mai 2020 - 10:50



    Sunriseur PRIVILEGE

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Merci pour la news
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Posté 06 mai 2020 - 10:54




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Merci pour la news
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Posté 06 mai 2020 - 11:16



    Sunriseur elite

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Oua merci tralala pour la news. Un gros changelog c'est cool !
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Posté 06 mai 2020 - 14:03




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comment mettre les illustartions de boites ??
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Posté 06 mai 2020 - 17:15

La Roukine

La Roukine

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Le portage de PSL1GHT PlayStation3

Ou plutôt La PS3 à enfin son retroarch avec le SDK PSL1GHT
une petit news dans la section PS3/4 n'aurait pas été du luxe.
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Posté 06 mai 2020 - 17:17




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si cette version ps3 corrige le plantage lors du scan des playlist ça serait juste génial!
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Posté 06 mai 2020 - 19:29



    Sunriseur avancé

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Le portage de PSL1GHT PlayStation3

Ou plutôt La PS3 à enfin son retroarch avec le SDK PSL1GHT
une petit news dans la section PS3/4 n'aurait pas été du luxe.

Cela apporte un gros avantage ?
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Posté 06 mai 2020 - 19:50

La Roukine

La Roukine

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Le portage de PSL1GHT PlayStation3

Ou plutôt La PS3 à enfin son retroarch avec le SDK PSL1GHT
une petit news dans la section PS3/4 n'aurait pas été du luxe.

Cela apporte un gros avantage ?


Tu as enfin un PKG upper sur
car maintenant l'homebrew est legal

Modifié par La Roukine, 06 mai 2020 - 20:01.

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Posté 06 mai 2020 - 20:23



    Sunriseur avancé

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Merci pour la news
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Posté 06 mai 2020 - 21:14




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Testé sur Switch problème avec le core pcsx rearmed ps1
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Posté 07 mai 2020 - 22:14

La Roukine

La Roukine

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Testé sur Switch problème avec le core pcsx rearmed ps1

récupères le core d'une version antérieure

Modifié par La Roukine, 07 mai 2020 - 22:14.

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Posté 08 mai 2020 - 12:11




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C'est ce que j'ai fait merci
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Posté 10 mai 2020 - 16:02




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La version PS3 est buggée non? le menu défile comme si la touche bas était enfoncée.
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