v15.2 - Beat This LoveChangelog:Added TeslaThe overlay menu developed by @WerWolv has now been included and enabled by default in Kosmos. To activate the menu hold down L and D-Pad Down and push on the right joy stick.Tesla Menu changelog: https://github.com/W...ases/tag/v1.0.2nx-ovlloader changelog: https://github.com/W...ases/tag/v1.0.2Added ovlSysmodulesAn overlay developed by @WerWolv to allow users to manage sysmodules.Changelog: https://github.com/W...ases/tag/v1.0.0Added Status Monitor OverlayAn overlay developed by @masagrator to allow users to monitor many of the harward stats on their Switch in real-time.Changelog: https://github.com/m...eases/tag/0.4.1Updated AtmosphereSupport for 9.2.0Added support for overriding manuals.More memory improvements.Changelog: https://github.com/A...ases/tag/0.10.3Updated HekateSupport for 9.2.0Added support for parsing sept from fss0Fixed issue with mixing older versions on L4T/AndroidChangelog: https://github.com/C...ases/tag/v5.1.2Updated ldn_mitmChangelog: https://github.com/s...ases/tag/v1.3.2Updated sys-conFixed the maximum and minimum stick values generated by sys-con.When using the mode that swaps left stick with d-pad, the stick values generated by d-pad are now clamped to a circle radius.If you have the latest version of Kosmos Toolbox, you can now manually enable/disable sys-con right from the toolbox menu without having to reboot your console. Hurray.Changelog: https://github.com/c...ases/tag/v0.5.3and most importantly:General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.C H O O S E Y O U R O W N A D V E N T U R EKosmos v15.2 built with:Atmosphere - 0.10.3Hekate - v5.1.2EdiZon - snapshotEmuiibo - 0.4Goldleaf - 0.8Homebrew App Store - 2.2Kosmos Toolbox - v4.0.0Kosmos Updater - v3.0.9ldn_mitm - v1.3.2Lockpick - v1.2.6Lockpick RCM - v1.8.1sys-clk - 0.13.0sys-con - v0.5.3sys-ftpd-light - 1.0.1NXDumpTool - v1.1.8nx-ovlloader - v1.0.2ovlSysmodules - v1.1.0Status Monitor Overlay - 0.4.1Tesla Menu - v1.0.2