[Switch] Sys-Con v0.3.0 disponible (maj)
Posté 07 novembre 2019 - 10:11
The 0.2.3 version had improper naming. Download this if 0.2.3 was not working for you.
Halves the memory used by the sysmodule.
[9.0.0+] If you're having freezes or crashes (error 2003-0008) when launching a game, try disabling other memory-intensive sysmodules (sys-ftpd, emuiibo). Or downgrade to 8.0.0.
Posté 07 novembre 2019 - 13:26
Posté 07 novembre 2019 - 13:44
@sunsetboulvard : Quand tu extrais l'archive, tu as un dossier "atmosphere" qui se cré avec dedans le dossier "titles" qui contient le module. Il suffit de renommer le dossier "atmosphere" en "sxos" et de le copier sur la SD. Pour tous les modules cela fonctionne ainsi, il faut les placer dans le dossier "sxos\titles".
Top, merci ! ^^
Mais ça apparaît ou ? Dans l'album ?
Modifié par sunsetboulvard, 07 novembre 2019 - 14:27.
Posté 07 novembre 2019 - 15:01
PS : d'ailleurs je viens d'essayer en mode portable avec un adaptateur OTG et ça fonctionne aussi.
Modifié par cmanu03, 07 novembre 2019 - 15:03.
Posté 07 novembre 2019 - 20:18
Posté 08 novembre 2019 - 01:26
Posté 08 novembre 2019 - 16:11
Posté 09 novembre 2019 - 10:38
Posté 09 novembre 2019 - 10:40
I will be adding support to various controllers and adapters over the next several days. In this release, support for XInput and Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver has been added. (By popular demand and thanks to diligent testers over at the issues page!)
The sysmodule now detects generic XInput devices. I can't promise every single XInput device will work, I can only hope your controller manufacturer follows the XInput protocol to the dot.
Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver is partially supported! When I say partially, it means that the LED is still blinking and the app doesn't seem to detect controllers disconnect. However, it has full button support and allows to connect up to 4 controllers at once. The config for it is the same as the Xbox 360 Wired.
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