UDK ULTIMATE PS3 UPDATE V2 - Développez, jouez et partagez vos jeux sur TOUTES LES PS3!
Posté 18 octobre 2019 - 19:42
Posté 19 octobre 2019 - 11:16
Posté 20 octobre 2019 - 20:07
Posté 24 octobre 2019 - 15:44
Posté 24 octobre 2019 - 16:41
Posté 25 octobre 2019 - 00:08
I have an idea for weapons as your character looks like an Indian to make so-called natural weapons. your bazooka for example instead of launching rockets to throw logs and at the time of impact instead of an explosion a blast of several wooden spines. I do not know if you see what I mean but at the same time you could give an image that nature is stronger than anything.
Yeah my friend, that's a great idea, thanks!!! It will be taken into consideration... As I said, this is just a prototype which I am showing off all arround the internet to see people's interest and reaction, untill now it s being very good, all people liked it.
As you know, developing a game take tooooooooo long, and whenever you want to create a commercial game you need to think a lot about, to make the right choose and create a game that is something you like to create, that people like to play, and that can give you a profit, even if it is small.
- mitch44 aime ceci
Posté 04 novembre 2019 - 00:09
Posté 05 novembre 2019 - 18:11
Modifié par udkultimate, 05 novembre 2019 - 18:11.
Posté 01 juillet 2024 - 21:50
Action game like call of duty will run smooth in it.
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