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[PS4] PS4 Homebrew Store (ALPHA) de LigthingMods

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Posté 04 juin 2019 - 19:10



    \0/ Postman \0/

  • Newser Expert
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LigthingMods vient de publier une mise à jour de son application PlayStation 4 Homebrew Store qui est actuellement en phase Alpha.
Comme vous le savez, son utilisation est très simple, vous l'installez, vous le lancez, vous sélectionnez et téléchargez l'homebrew qui vous intéresse, et voilà il est prêt à être utiliser.
Il reste encore à améliorer l'interface utilisateur, mais le développeur promet de faire des efforts en ce sens dans les futures versions. 
Cette version Alpha introduit une fonctionne de recherche, mais pour être honnête, elle peut être un peu complexe à utiliser si vous ne connaissez pas le nom exact de l'homebrew recherché. Le moyen le plus simple reste d'utiliser la fonction de navigation dans les pages, dans lesquelles il envisage de créer des catégories et des sections.
Cette mise à jour améliore également l’esthétique, que l'on peut découvrir dans la vidéo ci-dessus. 

Changelog Alpha


- [Settings] Now when you change Temp. path it will try to create the folder or see if it exsists
- [Settings] if Temp Path is invild it will show you a message and change to default path
- Game DL Page also checks Temp. Path before Download
- Added black bk to every Main Menu Pics
- New Navbar added to gamedl page WITH new cords
- Background FTP
- Remote PKG installation via FTP
- White Box outline UI
- upon Download 1 Buzzer beep and Blinking light
- Upon Cancel or Finish download white LED reset
- Added the Following Options
1. Fan Control
2. Game Explorer
3. Page Selector
- Fixed Page selector Bug
- Main Menu Title and Author text limit changed to 10 and 11 characters
- Game Explorer
1. See installed games
2. see Title id
3. see Game details
4. see amount of installed Games
5. see game Splashs
- Added Support for 512x512 icons
- now Main Menu and Game DL Page can both use the same 512x512 icon0.png with Backwards Comp.
- New Navbar
- Uninstalled Button on DL page moved from Sqaure to Triangle
- Page Selector has NUM Pad instead of Keyboard
- Code Cleaned to improve load times
- CDNs no longer need to put size as the App calcs the size for you
- **BETA ONLY** Added beta tester message and Add. Details
- Search Func now reloads the prev. page you were on instead of just page 1
- Added in Settings ability to Turn on and Off Beeps/light on DL
- changed Main Menu names and author character limits to 8 and 9
- On Startup App now re-downloads store background, the first 8 main menu app icons AND navbar
- added (after BG error) "Re-Download Main Menu Icons" loading dialog on Start Up
- added a 20 Character Limit to DL page Author names
- Added Beep/Light ini settings in the DKS Test build pre-app startup msg
- Added "Saving settings" loading dialog unpon saving settings
- DL Page Selector changed
-Store Logs go to
-ALL Search Query Game Icons are now Cached and Stored as
-ok messages and fatal messages are now included in the Logs
- Added DL button BG to Gray
- Added advanced Download Data to klog and Store_Logs
- Added Log CheckSize, Once it reachs 1 => GiB it will delete the Log
- Forcefully draws User BGs as 1280x720 (Includes a Warning if pic is NOT 1280x720)



Téléchargement : Store.pkg

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Posté 04 juin 2019 - 19:36




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Ces maj ne servent à rien si au-delà il y a rien de nouveau

Modifié par GIACOMETTI, 04 juin 2019 - 19:36.

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Posté 04 juin 2019 - 19:45



    Sunriseur PRIVILEGE

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Bien au contraire, c'est un Store...
Donc si tu as loupe une news concernant un homebrew, tu peux tombe dessus par hazard :)

Bref, faut pas toujours critiquer, pour critiquer

Plus il y aura d'homebrew, plus ce store sera rempli :P


Posté 04 juin 2019 - 20:24




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Ces maj ne servent à rien si au-delà il y a rien de nouveau

Et ca, c'est rien de nouveau peut-etre ?
- [Settings] Now when you change Temp. path it will try to create the folder or see if it exsists
- [Settings] if Temp Path is invild it will show you a message and change to default path
- Game DL Page also checks Temp. Path before Download
- Added black bk to every Main Menu Pics
- New Navbar added to gamedl page WITH new cords
- Background FTP
- Remote PKG installation via FTP
- White Box outline UI
- upon Download 1 Buzzer beep and Blinking light
- Upon Cancel or Finish download white LED reset
- Added the Following Options
1. Fan Control
2. Game Explorer
3. Page Selector
- Fixed Page selector Bug
- Main Menu Title and Author text limit changed to 10 and 11 characters
- Game Explorer
1. See installed games
2. see Title id
3. see Game details
4. see amount of installed Games
5. see game Splashs
- Added Support for 512x512 icons
- now Main Menu and Game DL Page can both use the same 512x512 icon0.png with Backwards Comp.
- New Navbar
- Uninstalled Button on DL page moved from Sqaure to Triangle
- Page Selector has NUM Pad instead of Keyboard
- Code Cleaned to improve load times
- CDNs no longer need to put size as the App calcs the size for you
- **BETA ONLY** Added beta tester message and Add. Details
- Search Func now reloads the prev. page you were on instead of just page 1
- Added in Settings ability to Turn on and Off Beeps/light on DL
- changed Main Menu names and author character limits to 8 and 9
- On Startup App now re-downloads store background, the first 8 main menu app icons AND navbar
- added (after BG error) "Re-Download Main Menu Icons" loading dialog on Start Up
- added a 20 Character Limit to DL page Author names
- Added Beep/Light ini settings in the DKS Test build pre-app startup msg
- Added "Saving settings" loading dialog unpon saving settings
- DL Page Selector changed
-Store Logs go to
-ALL Search Query Game Icons are now Cached and Stored as
-ok messages and fatal messages are now included in the Logs
- Added DL button BG to Gray
- Added advanced Download Data to klog and Store_Logs
- Added Log CheckSize, Once it reachs 1 => GiB it will delete the Log
- Forcefully draws User BGs as 1280x720 (Includes a Warning if pic is NOT 1280x720)
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Posté 05 juin 2019 - 08:05



    Sunriseur avancé

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il parlait de contenu je pense
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Posté 05 juin 2019 - 09:52



    Sunriseur PRIVILEGE

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Pour ma part vu la réputation et le mini scandale qu'il y a eu y'a quelque temps sur le vol d'informations caché dans le code d'une de "ses" créa , je n'utilise plus rien venant de lightning mods
Choix personnel bien sur

Modifié par overload, 05 juin 2019 - 09:53.

"Si ça saigne ça peut crever"

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Posté 05 juin 2019 - 10:14



    Sunriseur avancé

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En tout cas l'interface est bien sympa je trouve :) GG au DEV
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Posté 05 juin 2019 - 20:29




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Ces maj ne servent à rien si au-delà il y a rien de nouveau

HEUUUUU!!!! Tu as bien regardé le changelog???
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Posté 06 juin 2019 - 06:14



    \0/ Postman \0/

  • Newser Expert
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Tout est là.
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