Il s'agit de la version finale et stable de BleemSync v1.0.0 !
Comme vous le savez il s'agit de la boite à outils destiné à intégrer des jeux à la PlayStation Classic.
Le changelog est similaire à celui de la v1.0.0 bêta publique, si ce n'est que c'est désormais la première version stable qui est lancée.
General Updates+Added brand new UI to allow easy syncing and modding for your PlayStation Classic!+USB payload completely redone from scratch, much better design meaning more stability, faster boot times and more flexibility.+Added support to the stock console UI for the additional PS1 formats “m3u” “pbp” “img” “mdf” “toc” “cbn”+Completely new and improved bootloader. Contains more sense checking and script vetting to ensure no broken boots. (No more lolhack)+Auto deployment/install and update facility added.+Added permanent safe USB lockout disable, telnet and ftp support. (These services will install on initial install so you don’t need a USB to load these services)+Added NTFS and exFAT drive support. (Once initial install in complete)+Because of the USB lockout disable, you can now run psc from TVs and PC USB ports.+Improved LED support, green = idle/OK, orange = BS function running, flashing red = attention needed, see on screen. (You can now see exactly when something is running)+Added function libraries so you can add your own scripts in to the boot sequence if you wish for extra tinkering+Added boot profiler (Every function in the boot sequence will get timed and recorded so you can identify slow down issues within boot)+Integration of RetroArch by default (will be optional in later builds)+Added full verbose logging, any issues should now be logged easily within the logs directory of the USB to help easily identify common issues+Initial install sets up basis for backup/restore and OTG support (coming in 1.1)+Game folders are much less complicated and require less mounting per game.+Included patch pack for stock 20 games to run at full speed if launched via RetroArch PCSX from either stock UI or playlist.+Added auto migration tools to run on first boot after install.UI Features+Allows for the upload of PS1 games to the PSC+Menus for both BleemSync and the stock UI's preferences+Automatic game detection based on serial number+Drag and drop updating of cover art+Sortable game list+Automatic update of the PSC's internal databaseBoot Updates+Added the ability to fully customise your boot routine. You can select what functions/routines and extra debugging routines are run during boot time.+Added customisable boot options, including quick load, Heath check disable and custom splash screen support. (Static only supported for 1.0)+Added kickass BleemSync splash screen on load (Can be disabled or customised)+Added new build of BootMenu as default, now with BleemSync theme images and the ability to change the boot menu background theme too. (Just like the splashscreen)+Added boot menu music toggle+Bundled custom original (90s ps1 demo style) boot menu music+Added the facility so you can boot directly to the bootmenu, RetroArch or the stock UI. (Configurable from USB or UI)+Removed the long boot times, especially for large collections!Stock UI Updates+Added ability to load in original 20 games on EMMC into the stock UI including your customs.+Added auto alphabetical’ising’ so you can sort automatically by alphabetical order. (You can also set your own order from the UI)+Added ability to easily load in custom UI themes, you can load as many themes on to the usb and select from the config.+Added ability to randomise themes on boot * Included completely original custom theme for bleemsync. (Configurable)+Themes now no longer need all theme files to work. Just requires the files you wish to replace. (Includes sounds)+Added the ability to launch all pcsx games from the stock UI with RetroArch PCSX (recommended!)+Added support for savestates and save files when launching games via RA PCSX+Added physical console button support to emulate stock PCSX emulatorRetroArch Updates+Improved the RetroArch deployment method for the PSC+Automatically loads in on console PS1 bios to RetroArch on first boot so no requirement to source ps1 bios+Improved playlist support to make it easier to use+Included all core info files by default+Fixed mappings for PS3 and PS4 controllers+Include completely custom and exclusive PSC RA theme. (A homage to the PS4 20th anniversary PS1 theme)+Also included updated monochrome theme (just switch from custom theme to monochrome if you wish)+Added overlay support with scanlines available by default+Added stock ps1 games in playlist so you can load stock games directly from RA playlist+Cut out dead weight and reduced file size of RetroArch+Improved screenshot saving for retroarch when saving screenshots for save files+Redone initial config and optimised the settings for psc+Set proper notification background and fonts+Misc bug fixes and improvementsMisc Updates+Added devtools like GDB, readelf, ldd and nano etc. Also made accommodations so you can easily mount your own binaries/libraries to the console. (SAFELY)