Pour info, concernant la partie de code de déjà vu intégrée dans Hekate v4.6, voici ce qu'explique CTCaer sur twitter :
It seems the latest hekate release is causing some confusion. To clarify: what has been merged (albeit slightly obfuscated) and later documented is a variation of "warmboothax". It was originally discovered by @naehrwert, @derrekr6, @qlutoo and @SciresM back in late 2017.
Rather than being a specific bug, this is actually an issue across the bootrom's handling of warmboot: the bootrom trusts the PMC contents too much. This means multiple versions of said vulnerability exist, but the underlying issue is all the same.
It's highly likely that it has been patched internally already and probably would never be present in Mariko since it has been, allegedly, reported in the past to vendors.
Furthermore, this particular bug is not the core exploit of the chain we called "déjà vu", but it was a fundamental last step to achieve bootrom code execution while defeating the system from a bottom-up perspective.
Anyway, browserhax + nvhax for < 6.2.0 will be released later this week (along with the writeup) so people with ipatched units can play around a bit in userland. It's not much, but hopefully will lead to more people researching other attack vectors in the latest firmwares.
La dernière phrase (la plus intéressante) traduite : "Browsehax + nvhax pour les firmwares < 6.2 vont être publiés plus tard dans la semaine et les personnes ayant une Switch patchée vont pouvoir profiter d'un exploit userland. Ce n'est pas grand chose mais avec un peu de chance cela incitera plus de personnes à chercher d'autres exploit pour les derniers firmwares !"
Notez bien que seule une partie de l'exploit chain va être publiée et qu'un exploit userland ne permet pas de lancer un CFW, seulement des homebrews avec des privilèges restreints.
Modifié par eliboa, 17 décembre 2018 - 18:36.