je viens de trouver ça , bon c'est vrai que mon anglais est pas top...mais ça parait pas mal non?
I am on the exact same situation as you. So here are the steps I took to bring my emuNAND to fw 6.0.0:
Requirements: Latest build of ChoiDujourNX installed into your homebrew dir and a copy of N's v6.0.0 FW files (google for multiple ways to get them)
1. boot on your OFW and change the theme to the opposite of your preference (if you prefer dark, change it to white or vice-versa). This will help you to visually identify which of the fw versions you're booting from now on.
2. Boot SX OS while keeping the vol+ pressed so you can get into SXOS menu
3. Setup emuNAND
4. Make sure EmuNAND enabled is shown on the SX OS main menu and click "Boot custom FW"
5. Make sure you boot into emuNAND version of 4.1.0 (as it was just copied from your OFW). This can be confirmed by going into the album and checking if the SXOS logo states "SX OS V2.0 EMUNAND". If it says just "SX OS V2.0", you're on sysNAND. Reboot to SX OS menu with long-press Vol+ and go back to the beginning of this step!
6. Go into the settings and change the theme to your preference. Now we can always identify which one is booting since you'll have te visual queue
7. go into homebrew, run ChoiDujourNX, select your NX6 fw folder, select exfat or no-exfat (depending on your taste) and proceed.
8. When finished, you'll be prompted to reboot. Even with SXOS running, doing so will reboot you to your OFW 4.1.0. You'll be able to easily spot this as you'll see the old theme showing up -> This is OK. Just long-press power until you get to the power menu and power off your console
9. Boot SXOS again with your jig+dongle/px/phone/whatever
You should now be on 6.0.0 emuNAND while your 4.1.0 is preserved together with your fuses. This can be confirmed if you boot Hekate and check that you still retain 5 burnt fuses instead of 7
Bonus on top of this, if you go back and boot the OFW 4.1.0, the card slot is still usable.
source :
apres cet exemple est avec le 4.1.0,est-ce que c'est la même chose pour tout les firmware?je ne sais pas.
Edit : cela devrait t'intéresser Snyrf :
- on 3.0.1; use choidujournx to update to 6.0.0
- boot sx os and create emunand
- exit
- on original-nand downgrade back to 3.0.1
- original-nand: 3.0.1, emunand: 6.0.0
un peu plus long (car il faut faire le backup nand puis la restaurer) mais cela semble fonctionner 
Ce message a été modifié par realis - 08 octobre 2018 - 20:00.