Le développeur CTCaer revient sur le devant de la scène Switch avec une nouvelle version de Hekate. Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas encore Hekate, c'est une implémentation pré-compilée issue d’atmosphère. C'est un "Custom Switch BootLoader", un "Firmware patcher", à ne pas confondre avec un Custom FirmWare (CFW).
Changelog de cette version :
New in this version
- Auto boot
with hekate logo or custom logo support
When enabled, press VOL- to go into the bootloader menu
- Full Atmosphère support w/Exosphère boot
It can now properly boot through Exosphère.
- Completely fix Backup & Restore Verifying algorithm
Better do a new backup to make sure.
- Restore options
You can now restore your BOOT0/1, GPP physical partitions and all GPP partitions. Individually. Read the warning!
- Configuration
Support configuration loading and saving
- Add Battery charger and Fuel gauge info
- Support styling in hekate .ini file
- Add battery "de-sync" fix
- Add Fix sd files attributes
- Show battery stats in menu
- Raise sd card power limit for faster transfer speeds
- Update FatFS to 0.13b /w hotfix
- Other features that I forgot. Check commit log
- Countless (really!) bugfixes, memory leak fixes and general fixes
The firmware launch function supports ALL current Switch Updates!
Warning 1: The restore options are DANGEROUS! Do not use that if you don't know what you are doing!
No one is responsible for your actions