Adrenaline Bubble Manager v5.00- Added submenu for Extra Setting.- Added hability to inject images to ABM bubbles.Adrenaline Bubble Manager v4.10- Buttons X and O reassigned only when using ABM (only if required).- Fix list sorting, now ABM shows last preset option everytime.- Fix snowfall animation.Adrenaline Bubble Manager v4.09- Support for 3.65 CFW (Thanks to Lecheerman).- Fix automatic network update (Add TLS v1.2 Support).- Updated to the latest version of ONElua.
- Compatible with Adrenaline v6.3 thanks to Lman.
- Added npdrmfree enable/disable option to ABM bubble edit screen.
- Added ux0:data/ABM/crc.ini to detect the CRC32 of the skprx modules.
NOTE: With lman plugins update, now every bubble saves its own adrenaline configs if you like to disable adrenaline boot screen you have to do that for every bubble.