Initialement c'est le développeur TheCruel, puis arc13, puis Paul et maintenant c'est Evi qui prend la suite de ce fork de FreeShop qui passe en v4.1.2.
4.1.2evi il y a 5 jours 5 commits jusqu'à master depuis cette publicationCache fix for TLSv1.1 revoke by GitHub.Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.Russian language updated ( #1 ), minor update to American Spanish ( #2 ).Note that the TLSv1.1 revoke will cause theCruel's original version of freeShop (freeShop 2.0) to become unusuable. It's strongly recommended to upgrade to CE version, if you haven't done so already.-- Special hugs to @Byokugen for being there from beginning to end! She's awesome