mM 04.81.02 was released when I removed the link for the test version and is available within mM as always (or from the web column) Also sacd-ripper.pkg is updated to support DEX 4.80This SACD Ripper is compiled with support from 3.55 up to 4.81. It doesn't require keys on usb stick and hopefully the extracted modules will work on all firmwares. Let me know if someone tests it.Update x2 multiMAN v04.81.02Fixed nethost/netiso issues on DEX CFWUPDATE - multiMAN v04.81.01Added support for CFW 4.81 (DEX)NEW - multiMAN v04.81.00Added support for CFW 4.81 (CEX)Added update for Stealth versionmultiMAN v04.80.00* Added support for CFW 4.80* Added update for Stealth version