Pour vous donner une idée voilà tout ce que le script réalise.
- Here is what the script is doing from start to finish: Don't worry about your source files, they will not be modified at all during this process.- Check that the SOURCE_FILES folder at least contains game.iso, iconTex.png or tga, and bootTvTex.png or tga- Prompt the user for some information on first run- Prompt the user for info about their game for the meta file- Download the necessary base files with JNUSTool- Generate app.xml and meta.xml based on user provided information- Convert necessary icons and banners and place them in the meta folder- If a bootSound.wav was provided, convert it to the necessary format and place it in the meta folder- Prepare the game.iso file with WIT and extract the ticket/TMD afterwards- Convert the prepared ISO to NFS files- Pack the games into an installable archive- Cleanup temp files and wording directories
Et voici le changelog depuis la version initiale.
## [1.0.3] = 2017-09-09- Set maximum length for custom sound files to 6 seconds- Added an option for sound looping## [1.0.2] = 2017-09-09- bootSound.wav will be converted from the SOURCE_FILES folder and used if it exists, otherwise the default bootSound will be used- You can now choose to manually specify a Title/Group ID if desired instead of using a random one- Allow usage of TGAs over PNGs if provided- Changed Title ID layout from 0005000010XXXX00 to 0005000010XXXXFF to prevent 1/10000 chance a Title ID is generated that overwrites CBHC- Updated the readme to be less redundant## [1.0.1] - 2017-09-09- Added a check for if the right Title ID was provided## [1.0.0] - 2017-09-08- Initial Release