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[Vita] InfiniteNet v1.0 et Lua Player Plus Vita r6 sont là

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Posté 04 août 2017 - 11:55



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Le développeur italien Rinnegatamante nous propose de découvrir d'un côté un nouveau plugin taiHEN nommé InfiniteNet v1.0 et de l'autre une nouvelle version r6 de Lua Player Plus Vita.
InfiniteNet v1.0
InfiniteNet est un nouveau petit plugin taiHEN qui empêchera les jeux de désactiver les fonctionnalités NET.
De nombreux jeux désactivent les fonctions NET pour économiser un peu d'énergie de la batterie, cela rend  impossible de télécharger en arrière-plan, désormais vous aurez le choix d'activier ou pas ces fonctions grâce à ce plug-in.
Téléchargement : InfiniteNet v1.0
Lua Player Plus Vita r6
Rinnegatamnte propose aussi la release 6 de Lua Player Plus Vita, comme d'habitude il ne fait pas dans la dentelle, les changements sont nombreux, il s'agit d'une énorme mise à jour, plusieurs éléments ont été améliorés et des nouvelles fonctions ont été ajoutées comme le rendu 3D, de nouveaux formats de fichiers audio sont compatibles comme le .opus, et un rescaler a été intégré pour adapter facilement les homebrews lpp-3ds.
Pour rappel, Lua Player Plus est un lecteur / interprètre multiplateforme du format LUA qui sévit déjà sur PSP, 3DS et PS Vita respectivement sur PSP avec lpp-c++ / lpp-plugin, sur 3DS avec lpp-3ds et sur PSVITA avec lpp-vita. 

New functions:
- Network.getIPAddress() - Returns console IP address.
- Network.getMacAddress() - Returns console MAC address.
- Network.isWifiEnabled() - Checks if WiFi is enabled.
- Netowkr.getWifiLevel() - Returns WiFi strength value.
- Network.downloadFile() - Downloads a file using HTTP protocol.
- Network.requestString() - Gets result from an HTTP request.
- System.getTitle() - Returns running application title name.
- System.getTitleID() - Returns running application title ID.
- System.takeScreenshot() - Takes a screenshot in BMP or JPG format.
- System.getModel() - Returns console model value.
- System.executeUri() - Performs a custom URI call.
- System.setBusSpeed() - Sets BUS speed.
- System.setGpuSpeed() - Sets GPU speed.
- System.setGpuXbarSpeed() - Sets GPU Crossbar speed.
- System.getBusSpeed() - Gets BUS speed.
- System.getGpuSpeed() - Gets GPU speed.
- System.getGpuXbarSpeed() - Gets GPU Crossbar speed.
- System.extractSFO() - Extracts info from an SFO file.
- System.launchApp() - Launches an application by title ID.
- System.getBatteryCapacity() - Returns battery current capacity.
- System.getBatteryFullCapacity() - Returns maximum battery capacity.
- System.getBatteryTemp() - Returns battery temperature.
- System.getBatteryVolt() - Returns battery voltage.
- System.getBatteryHealth() - Returns battery state of health.
- System.getBatteryCycles() - Returns battery charge cycles count.
- System.reboot() - Reboots the console.
- System.enableTimer() - Enables a power save timer feature.
- System.disableTimer() - Disables a power save timer feature.
- System.isSafeMode() - Checks if the application is running in safe mode.
- System.setMessage() - Inits a new system message instance.
- System.getMessageState() - Gets system message state.
- System.setMessageProgress() - Sets current progress for a progressbar message.
- System.setMessageProgMsg() - Sets system submessage for a progressbar message.
- System.closeMessage() - Terms a system message instance.
- Sound.setVolume() - Sets internal volume value for a specified sound.
- Sound.getVolume() - Gets internal volume value for a specified sound.
- Sound.openAiff() - Opens an .aif/.aiff audio file.
- Sound.openOpus() - Opens an .opus audio file.
- Controls.setLightbar() - Sets lightbar color for Dualshock 4 (PSTV only).
- Controls.lockHomeButton() - Locks Home button functionality.
- Controls.unlockHomeButton() - Unlocks Home button functionality.
- Controls.enableAccel() - Enables accelerometer.
- Controls.enableGyro() - Enables gyroscope.
- Controls.disableAccel() - Disables accelerometer.
- Controls.disableGyro() - Disables gyroscope.
- Controls.readAccel() - Returns accelerometer state.
- Controls.readGyro() - Returns gyroscope state.
- Controls.getDeviceInfo() - Returns info about a specified controller port.
- Controls.headsetStatus() - Checks if headphone is plugged in (Unsafe mode only).
- Controls.getEnterButton() - Returns system enter button in use.
- Graphics.fillEmptyRect() - Draws an empty rectangle on screen.
- Graphics.initRescaler() - Starts a scene rescaler.
- Grapchis.termRescaler() - Ends a scene rescaler.
- Render.createVertex() - Creates a new vertex.
- Render.destroyVertex() - Frees a vertex.
- Render.loadModel() - Loads a vertex list as model with a texture.
- Render.loadObject() - Loads a model in .obj format with a texture.
- Render.unloadModel() - Frees a model.
- Render.drawModel() - Draws a model on screen.
- Render.useTexture() - Sets a given texture for a given model.
- Timer.setTime() - Sets internal time for a timer.
- Mic.start() - Starts microphone recording.
- Mic.stop() - Stops microphone recording and save result to a .wav file.
- Mic.pause() - Pauses microphone recording.
- Mic.resume() - Resumes microphone recording.
- Mic.isRecording() - Checks if microphone is recording.
- Camera.init() - Inits a camera instance.
- Camera.term() - Terminates a camera instance.
- Camera.getOutput() - Returns camera output as image object.
- Camera.setBrightness() - Sets camera brightness.
- Camera.getBrightness() - Gets camera brightness.
- Camera.setSaturation() - Sets camera saturation.
- Camera.getSaturation() - Gets camera saturation.
- Camera.setSharpness() - Sets camera sharpness.
- Camera.getSharpness() - Gets camera sharpness.
- Camera.setContrast() - Sets camera contrast.
- Camera.getContrast() - Gets camera contrast.
- Camera.setReverse() - Sets camera reverse effect.
- Camera.getReverse() - Gets camera reverse effect.
- Camera.setEffect() - Sets camera effect.
- Camera.getEffect() - Gets camera effect.
- Camera.setExposure() - Sets camera exposure level.
- Camera.getExposure() - Gets camera exposure level.
- Camera.setZoom() - Sets camera zoom value.
- Camera.getZoom() - Gets camera zoom value.
- Camera.setAntiFlicker() - Sets camera anti-flicker mode.
- Camera.getAntiFlicker() - Gets camera anti-flicker mode.
- Camera.setISO() - Sets camera ISO speed mode.
- Camera.getISO() - Gets camera ISO speed mode.
- Camera.setGain() - Sets camera gain.
- Camera.getGain() - Gets camera gain.
- Camera.setWhiteBalance() - Sets camera white balance mode.
- Camera.getWhiteBalance() - Gets camera white balance mode.
- Camera.setBacklight() - Sets camera backlight mode.
- Camera.getBacklight() - Gets camera backlight mode.
- Camera.setNightmode() - Sets camera nightmode.
- Camera.getNightmode() - Gets camera nightmode.
New globals:
- UDP_SOCKET - UDP protocol macro for sockets.
- TCP_SOCKET - TCP protocol macro for sockets.
- AUTO_SUSPEND_TIMER - Auto-suspension timer macro value.
- SCREEN_OFF_TIMER - Screen suspension timer macro value.
- SCREEN_DIMMING_TIMER - Screen dimming timer macro value.
- UNPAIRED_DEV - Unpaired device macro value.
- VITA_DEV - PSVITA device macro value.
- VIRTUAL_DEV - Virtual device macro value.
- DS3_DEV - Dualshock 3 device macro value.
- DS4_DEV - Dualshock 4 device macro value.
- GET_METHOD - GET method macro value.
- POST_METHOD - POST method macro value.
- HEAD_METHOD - HEAD method macro value.
- OPTIONS_METHOD - OPTIONS method macro value.
- PUT_METHOD - PUT method macro value.
- DELETE_METHOD - DELETE method macro value.
- TRACE_METHOD - TRACE method macro value.
- CONNECT_METHOD - CONNECT method macro value.
- SCE_CTRL_POWER - Power button macro value.
- SCE_CTRL_VOLUP - Volume Up button macro value.
- SCE_CTRL_VOLDOWN - Volume Down button macro value.
- SCE_CTRL_PSBUTTON - PS button macro value.
- BUTTON_OK - OK button only macro for system messages.
- BUTTON_YES_NO - YES and NO buttons macro for system messages.
- BUTTON_NONE - No buttons macro for system messages.
- BUTTON_OK_CANCEL - OK and CANCEL buttons macro for system messages.
- BUTTON_CANCEL - CANCEL button macro for system messages.
- ANTIFLICKER_AUTO - Automatic antiflicker mode for camera.
- ANTIFLICKER_50HZ - 50Hz antiflicker mode for camera.
- ANTIFLICKER_60HZ - 60Hz antiflicker mode for camera.
- ISO_AUTO - Automatic ISO speed mode for camera.
- ISO_100 - 100/21 ISO speed mode for camera.
- ISO_200 - 200/24 ISO speed mode for camera.
- ISO_400 - 400/27 ISO speed mode for camera.
- WB_AUTO - Automatic white balance mode for camera.
- WB_DAYLIGHT - Daylight white balance mode for camera.
- WB_CWF - Cool White Fluorescent white balance mode for camera.
- WB_SLSA - Standard Light Source A white balance mode for camera.
- BACKLIGHT_OFF - Backlight feature off for camera.
- BACKLIGHT_ON - Backlight feature on for camera.
- NIGHTMODE_OFF - Nightmode disabled for camera.
- NIGHTMODE_LOW - Nightmode for 10 lux or below for camera.
- NIGHTMODE_MED - Nightmode for 100 lux or below for camera.
- NIGHTMODE_HIGH - Nightmode for 100 lux or over for camera.
- REVERSE_OFF - Reverse mode off for camera.
- REVERSE_MIRROR - Mirror reverse mode for camera.
- REVERSE_FLIP - Flip reverse mode for camera.
- REVERSE_BOTH - Flip and Mirror reverse mode for camera.
- EFFECT_NONE - No effect mode for camera.
- EFFECT_NEGATIVE - Negative effect mode for camera.
- EFFECT_BLACKWITE - Black and White effect mode for camera.
- EFFECT_SEPIA - Sepia effect mode for camera.
- EFFECT_BLUE - Blue Neon effect mode for camera.
- EFFECT_RED - Red Neon effect mode for camera.
- EFFECT_GREEN - Green Neon effect mode for camera.
- VGA_RES - VGA (640x480) resolution for camera.
- QVGA_RES - QVGA (320x240) resolution for camera.
- QQVGA_RES - QQVGA (160x120) resolution for camera.
- CIF_RES - CIF (352x288) resolution for camera.
- QCIF_RES - QCIF (176x144) resolution for camera.
- PSP_RES - PSP screen (480x272) resolution for camera.
- NGP_RES - NGP screen (640x360) resolution for camera.
Removed functions:
- System.powerTick() has been removed. Replaced with System.enableTimer()/System.disableTimer().
Syntax changes:
- Renamed System.getBatteryLifetime() to System.getBatteryLife().
- Now Graphics.drawImageExtended() takes up to 11 arguments allowing to specify even rotation value.
- Now Controls.rumble() takes up to 3 arguments allowing to specify different intensity values for large and small sensors.
- Now Graphics.drawPixel() takes up to 4 arguments allowing user to draw on textures.
- Socket.createServer() and Socket.connect() take now an extra optional argument to specify socket protocol.
- is now System.openFile()
- is now System.readFile()
- io.write() is now System.writeFile()
- io.close() is now System.closeFile()
- is now System.seekFile()
- io.size() is now System.sizeFile()
- Socket.init() is now Network.init()
- Socket.term() is now Network.term()
- Bitshift functions had been moved to bit32 module.
- Graphics.createImage() takes an extra optional value to specify the color of the created image.
- Changed arguments order for Graphics.drawImageExtended() and Graphics.drawPartialImage() to match other drawImage functions scheme.
New feature and improvements:
- Now interpreter can be compiled with SKIP_ERROR_HANDLING macro to reduce error handler work producing a slight frameboost.
- Now interpreter can be compiled with PARANOID macro to extend error handler with extra security checks.
- Controls module functions are now a bit faster due to change from LUA_NUMBER to LUA_INTEGER usage.
- Added UDP protocol support for sockets.
- Added Render module for hardware accelerated 3D rendering.
- Reintroduced standard Lua i/o functions. lpp-vita one had been moved to System module.
- Added a rescaler system to easily adapt lpp-3ds homebrews to lpp-vita in terms of rendering code.
- Added .aif/.aiff/.opus audio files support to Sound module.
- Now lpp-vita supports up to 4 different controller ports (PSTV only).
- Added Mic module for microphone usage.
- Added gyroscope and accelerometer support.
- Now Keyboard module will use console enter button and language.
- Now lpp-vita runs under LuaJit. This means a huge performance boost.
- Added Camera module to use PSVITA photo cameras in your applications.
- Now Font.load() supports .pvf and .pgf fonts too.
- Now System.rename() is working as intended.
- Now System.sizeFile() doesn't reset filehandle offset anymore.
- Now Graphics.getPixel() is working as intended.
- Now the error handler will always show detected error without graphics glitches.
- Now interpreter won't freeze or crash anymore when multiple sounds are spammed.
- Now mono audio files playback is working as intended.



Téléchargement : Lua Player Plus Vita r6

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Posté 04 août 2017 - 12:09



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Posté 04 août 2017 - 23:47



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Changelog impressionnant ! J'adore ! Merci
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