MultiUpdaterMultiUpdater is an updater for FIRM payloads, CIA applications, and other files on the SD card.ConfigurationThe configuration file is named config.json and should be placed in /3ds/MultiUpdater/.An example config can be found in the repo.Dependencies / RequirementsThis project requires ctrulib, zlib, and jansson in your environment. zlib and jansson can be installed with 3ds_portlibsCompilationJust run make in terminal. Bannertool and makerom must be in your PATH or CIA compilation will fail.
MultiUpdater v2.1- quick fix and release for the github api parsing, allowing for finding the download url of an item in the latest release of a repo.MultiUpdater v2- Long awaited (or not) release, fixes a crash and adds a feature: cia installation!- Just add something to your config that ends up being saved as a .cia- WARNING: might not work from HBL