Rappelons que la série des EverDrive GB permet de jouer à tous les jeux Game Boy et Game Boy Color, de profiter des codes GameGenie et aussi des titres Super Game Boy, le tout sur des microSD.
Features list:**************EverDrive-GB X7**************-Max ROM size: 8MByte-Max SAVE RAM size: 128KByte-Save States function and In-Game menu function.-Isolated RTC function. "Isolated" means that multiple games can use RTC without interference. Each game will have own copy of time.-Instant loading.-Low power consumption (approx 4x times less than original EverDrive-GB)-GameGenie cheat codes-Cart allow to return in menu without power off/on cycle.-Supported mappers: MBC1, MBC2, MBC3, MBC5-SDHC/SDXC support-Compatible with all systems which supports GB and GBC cartridges, including Super Game Boy-New OS. Now it more handy and fast. Supports up to 1000 files per folder.**************EverDrive-GB X5**************Same as X7 minus save states, in-game menu and RTC**************EverDrive-GB X3**************Same as X5 but rehired reboot in menu to save game progress stored in SRAM (Like Mega-X3 or ED64-V2.5)