- Powered by ONElua- Based on Windows Text Coord Finder by: Gutya* NOTE THIS APP REQUESTS SPECIAL PERMISSIONS ONLY BECAUSE IT IS POWERED BY THE ONELUA ENGINE WHICH DOES SO BY DEFAULT. IF YOU DOWNLOAD FROM A SOURCE OTHER THAN MY LINK, PLEASE ENSURE THE MD5 FOR THE .VPK INSTALL FILE IS3c859de10870591d5d6499b605b5ca39TO ENSURE THAT IT HASNT BEEN TAMPERED WITH BY 3RD PARTIES!---------------- About -------------------This is an app to help Vita homebrew Lua developers find screen coordinates for text.It supports unlimted amount of text strings which can be changed while in the program (see below for controls)It will read the config file and display your text on the vita screen as well as the text coordinates.You will need to edit the config.TXT file to change your text and number of strings.The config file is pretty much self explanatory, but make sure you read it, all the options must be set properly, or this programwill not work.There is currently no in-app feature to edit the config file, so you will need to do manually.The config file will be located at: ux0:app/COORDINAT/Config.txtThe easiest way to edit it would be with Vita Notepad++ (viewtopic.php?p=417462)---------------------------------------- Features Retained From Original -----------------------------------------* Display you text string and the coordinates on Vita screen* Supports unlimited number of text strings* Displayed text string can be changed with L/R Triggers----------------------------------------------------------- Additional Features I added for Vita Version ------------------------------------------------------------------* Ported to OneLUA to run directly on PS Vita* Now supports Vita screen dimensions (960x544)* Added option to move screen position of diplayed coordinates* Added prevention of text being moved off screen* Added help menu* Added background music (can be turned off in app)* Added Help Menu* Added analog stick support for fast movement of text string--------------------------------------------------- Controls -----------------------------------------------------* Directional Buttons - move text 1 pixel at a time* Left Analog Stick - Fast Move Text* X Button - Change Coordinate display position* L/R Triggers - Change Text String* Select Button - Mute/Play Background Music* Start Button - Help Menu* PS Button - Quit------------------------------------ Other Notes -----------------------------------------I'll probably do another update eventually, as I think the on board config editor would be convenient.