Le développeur Psykosis continue le développement de Mr.Smithers, l'application passe en version v1.0.0.3. Associé à Mr.Burns, l'application permet de convertir un dossier jeux en format ISO et de le graver sur support CD, DVD ou Bluray.
Le changelog de cette version v1.0.0.3 :
- Update to the latest Mr. Smithers!!!- I removed the deploy extension as suggested- I added an additional form "Patches" that can do basically md5 right now, but more later- I added an option to use genps3iso if you choose to instead of makeps3iso- I changed how the iso files are named, to exactly as the folder is named- I cleaned up a bunch of code not being used (msgbox type debug stuff)- Drag and drop functionality added for both folder and iso- I may merge "Patches" into "Mr. Smithers application at some point soon to reduce size- More information available from github as well- now with "patches", genps3iso 2.0 option, and more!
Téléchargement : Mr.Smithers v1.0.0.3