So how does this work? Well after you have followed the PSProxy guide above, you will have your lower FW console that is capable with the save editor being able to go online. You can't download games unless you turn the proxy off, but you can however UPLOAD TO THE CLOUD.This is where the bypass takes place, and why it lead me to believe that Sony placed a patcher during the USB copying process. Because you are uploading the gamesave into the cloud it doens't go through this process at all, meaning after doing testing with various titles, gamesaves from 4.07 work and run perfectly fine on a console that is running on 4.50 when it copies the gamesave VIA Cloud storage.*This also works vice-versa, so copying a save from 4.50 onto cloud storage adn then downloading it onto 4.07 from cloud storage works. there's no Firmware issues whatsoever.*HOWEVER, you do have to make sure that whatever version of X game is the same version on both consoles. So, if you have say patch 1.05 of (random example) Call of duty on 4.50, you do have to make sure it's the same game patch firmware on the lower PS4 FW console. IDK if this applies to all games, but some games make saves incapable if the game versions are different.I have yet to try Cyber Save Editor, but there is ZERO reasons why this wouldn't workThis part I leave to developers, or someone with more Knowledge. If someone who knows anything about exploits and such, you may want to look at a gamesave pre-4.50 (before you upload it onto the cloud) and then after 4.50 (download it from the cloud, then copy onto a USB). You may find something useful in there, or you might now. Just my suggestion