Lots of NEW in v3.0!@Robz8 Robz8 released this 5 hours agoI've been working on this version for days, and now I bring you v3.0!What's new?Brand new logo by Joom!Slot-1 icon/text is now read! (thanks to @GerbilSoft)3DS carts can now be launched as well!Box art for Slot-1 (NTR/TWL only)!The Galaxy Eagle flashcard is confirmed working!You can now manually change the language of the GUI.Your name will be shown at the top-left of the top screen, the next time you launch a rom in TWLoader!Per-game settings! Press SELECT, and change some settings for a specific game!Added a start menu! You can change the game location, and start GBARunner2!And that's not all! I'm also bringing you...A 3DSX demo version! Yep, you heard right! OFW users can now try out TWLoader, before they decide they can switch to CFW!ImprovementsL and R buttons are now used for switching pages!The "?" box art images are no longer solid black..sav files are not created for homebrew roms.A rom path can now be set manually in "settings.ini"! It should be set to ROM_FOLDER, and/or FCROM_FOLDER (for flashcards).The DS/DSi boot screen now has all 6 languages!The AKRPG, O-R4, R4iDSN, and R4i Gold RTS flashcards should now work with the "Add Games" feature!TWLoader no longer checks for existing boxart every time it starts, and checks for missing boxart if they don't exist.Bug fixesTWLoader no longer crashes when there's no .nds or .ini files.Got rid of some memory leaks! (thanks to @GerbilSoft)Some other bug fixes I can't think of.So, with all that said, enjoy the new version!